The US-based EQ2 servers are now back up and running with the Grandmaster issues supposedly patched. EU servers will patch early tomorrow morning their time.
Original article after the jump…
From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale‘s twitter:
Watching the update process with teeth clenched! Aiming to bring servers down about 5:30pm PDT. Update should take about an hour. #eq2
— Holly Longdale (@WindstalkerEQ2) October 7, 2014
And…because I said we'd update at 5:30pm, the build process stalled. Omgrd. Pffft. Update soon. We'll communicate! #EQ2
— Holly Longdale (@WindstalkerEQ2) October 8, 2014
This has also been posted on the EQ2 Forums.
Typical, sad they choose GM spells over a couple dozen raiding guilds.
Splitpaw didn’t get it