It’s hard to believe this will be EQ2Wire’s seventh Fan Faire nee SOE Live. And it’s hard to believe that this will be our third year presenting a player panel on EQ2U and Data Feeds (Census) in general. Talking to players before and after the panel, and presenting what we’ve been working on, is certainly the highlight of the event for me. If you will be at SOE Live and have ever had your own idea for what kind of player panel, put your name in the hat and you might just get to do your own panel!
From the EQ2 Forums:
One of our favorite features of SOE Live are the player panels. We love ’em, YOU love ’em and they’ll be back for 2014! We’ll have panels each day, and will work to avoid scheduling conflicts with the major game panels of the event.
We are looking for panels on any subject that will be of interest to SOE Live attendees. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- Managing a Guild
- Guild Leaders Support Group
- How to run a raid without losing your mind
- L337 gameplay tactics (in any SOE game!)
- Roleplay in the 21st century
- Running an in-game event
- Cosplay tips and tricks
- Running a Successful Fan Site
- Fan Art and/or Fan Fiction
- Mastering the art of… ?
- An amazing topic that we’ve never thought of!
We’re accepting panel submissions NOW, and until midnight Pacific Daylight Time, June 27th, 2014. We anticipate more applications than we have timeslots, so spend plenty of time on your submission to make sure it really shines!
We will contact all panelists by July 9th to advise whether or not the panel is accepted. All accepted panels will be scheduled as soon as possible after that date.
Fame! Notoriety! Adoration of the Devs and your fellow players!
We will issue a free Premium pass for accepted panelists (or refund those who have already purchased a pass). Food, drinks, hotel and transportation are NOT covered.WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW?
How many people can I have on a Panel?
One to four people, please. Choose, but choose wisely! If two or more very good panel submissions are received on similar topics, we may need to combine them and ask to drop some panelists to accommodate. Be aware and plan accordingly, listing panelists in order of importance to the presentation – we’ll let you know if a consolidation is required.We need help!
If you need a moderator/host to pose questions to your panel, we’re happy to provide one from our Comm-Team! They do not count toward your panelist total.What tools will we have?
Each session room will be provided with a PC and a display screen . If you have a PowerPoint presentation to go with your panel, you can bring your laptop – IMPORTANT: copy your powerpoint to a USB stick as well, just in case. Internet connection may not be available, so please do not count on it! We’ll also provide microphones so that you don’t have to yell… unless you want to. We can even provide hecklers if you like!Can we record the panel for our fans and moms?
You sure can, provided that you do not charge for access to the recording when distributing the session. Livestreaming may or may not be possible from individual session rooms due to internet bandwith restrictions, so it’s a good idea to arm yourself with a camcorder.Note: Your session MAY be photographed or recorded by SOE staff, media or streamers at the event. Please dress comfortably and appropriately. We appreciate you not wearing competitor’s t-shirts.
OMGWTFBBQ?!!11!? Any other questions?
Ask Brasse! email or find her on Twitter: @Brasse——————————————————————————————————–
Please ensure that your submission is complete and detailed. Remember, many other player panels are vying for spots this year!COPY AND PASTE THIS INFO TO YOUR SUBMISSION EMAIL AND FILL IT OUT COMPLETELY, then email it Please include “PLAYER PANEL” in the subject line!
Your real name:
Name as you’d like it to appear in the panel description:
Station Name:
email address:
cell phone number:
Panel Title:
Additional Panel Members (max 3):
Panelist 1, real name:
Name for panel description:
Station Name:
Panelist 2:
Name for panel description:
Station Name:
Panelist 3:
Name for panel description:
Station Name:
A short description of your panel for the schedule (50 words max):
A longer description of your panel for the selection committee to consider (up to 500 words):——————————————————————————————————–
DONE! Man, that was easy, wasn’t it? You’ve still got time for chips and an episode of Game of Thrones!
See you at SOE Live, where YOU are the star of our show!~Brasse
They should let attending players vote for who they want to see. Somehow I expect you’d be in either way, guys.
See you in Vegas!
So Feldon will you make a panel about “How to run a successful FanSite”?
I could go with “How to run a raid without losing your mind” 😀
If only USA were a bit closer and we didn’t need stupid visa to go there…
I was on a fansite panel 2 years ago. It was… awkward. The chemistry of the people on the panel is absolutely crucial.
I’m looking forward to player panels!
I wish there was one about older players, but not sure what we would talk about – it would just be nice to be in the same room as other 45+ players who have jobs and families and trying to squeeze gaming into the mix.
I thought there was a panel last year just for older players.
I don’t know what the player panels have been (other than yours) in the past since I didn’t go.
Hopefully they will repeat it this year when I do get to go!