19 thoughts on “Chains of Eternity Advanced Solo Loot Changes

  1. What about Ethereals on the advanced solo loot table? They have been dropping since day 1, and seem to have picked up a tad since this loot change yesterday. I don’t see any in the possible loot drops though. I just looted the chest of all chests in Dreadcutter adv solo: Scout primal chest, wisdom ethereal hammer, group legendary adorn, and a legendary wrist.

    1. What about Ethereals on the advanced solo loot table? They have been dropping since day 1, and seem to have picked up a tad since this loot change yesterday. I don’t see any in the possible loot drops though. I just looted the chest of all chests in Dreadcutter adv solo: Scout primal chest, wisdom ethereal hammer, group legendary adorn, and a legendary wrist.

      Are you sure it’s not the “1/10000” or whatever chance that Ethereal weapons will drop worldwide?

  2. @Norlac well you could have sold them in channel, given to a guildie that does or just muted them. I’m not really sure what your point is.

    I don’t see how players can’t be happy with these changes, well yea I really do but the point is is the loot from these zones the way it is set now is far more rewarding than almost every other chest from every other mob in this game at any level, and the quality of the loot vs the difficulty of the content there is simply no comparison.
    These changes are better and in the long run are far, far better than what you had before the regular chest drop.

    1. It’s 50% smart loot. Not 100%.

      So, semi-smart then.

      100% smart loot (assuming all gear was marked for just the classes that can benefit, like agi/sta being scout only, int/sta being mage only) would mean you could never get gear for Alts from Adv Solo zones.

  3. So what happens when you’ve got like 5x copies of all the 160 gear? I’d like to have more solo advanced stuff, because I don’t really have the time to form groups to do heroic.

  4. I dunno … still seems borked. Since the changes, my necro has had either defiler/myster or templay/inquisitor fabled drops in three exquisite chests. I am using a paly merc, so it has nothing to do with that skewing the results — and in the last one, NONE of the items were equippable by me.

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