Launchpad woes…

Written by Axe on . Posted in Game Updates & Maintenance

From RadarX at 8:48 Pacific, 11/3/11 on the EQ2 Forums:

We are currently investigating login issues with Launchpad and apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience as we resolve the problem.

UPDATE: This issue was resolved approximately 30 minutes after the above status post.

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Comments (10)

  • Kruzzen


    you can launch from the everquest2.exe file in your directory.


  • Anaogi


    It’s official, they can’t keep from fumbling even the basic things.


  • Dragonhearted


    Agreed Anaogi, how sad is that 🙁 Seems to be everything they touch, turns to crap. It is a strong sign of not enough resources to properly support this game. I shudder to think what AOD is going to be like at launch. What exactly are they selling us with AOD again? (Broken features and future broken content)


  • Anaogi


    It is a strong sign of not enough resources to properly support this game.

    Or misallocation and misuse of existing ones.

    It bears repeating, Smokey’s gotta go.


  • Kwill


    Wouldn’t it be nice if an official person could post truthfully why the quality control/implementation in the game has gone downhill?

    Never going to happen. But I would honestly like to know.


  • Steve


    Maybe it it past time for an Occupy Norrath movement. Before there is no one left occupying it.


  • stwsr


    ^^^ What Anaogi said! ^^^


  • Landacet From Guk


    Lets schedule a day when No One Logs In? Im being serious…


  • milliebii


    Quality control usually goes down hill when a new manager with a strong dominant personality comes in and demands tight delivery dates, particularly on their own ‘pet projects’ or those of the people they immediately bond with on the team. This personality type usually sees the QC people as impediments to progress.


  • Landacet From Guk


    “Quality control usually goes down hill when a new manager with a strong dominant personality comes in and demands tight delivery dates, particularly on their own ‘pet projects’ or those of the people they immediately bond with on the team. This personality type usually sees the QC people as impediments to progress.

    You are an eq2 employee commenting on SJ, or your pretending this is the cause?


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