July 26, 2011 Update Notes

Written by Feldon on . Posted in Game Updates & Maintenance, Grouping, Live Events, Raiding

Here are your update notes for July 26, 2011 from the EQ2 Forums:


  • Fixed a bug that would cause /camp login to sometimes go to character select even if a character was given.


Sullon’s Spire and Tallon’s Stronghold x4 raid zones (NOT challenge mode)

  • Several of the encounters in these zones have been made less powerful so that the challenge from these zones is more in line with the rewards.



  • It should no longer be possible to create a situation where the Head Usher in the Tower of Frozen Shadow cannot be spawned for the Skinning Knife subquest Unhappily Ever After.

The Fanged Sea

  • The valkyrie event in The Fanged Sea can once again be completed.


Dragon Ring Rebuild Event

  • Kreegar Krikneck should no longer require challenge mode debuffs to complete the encounter.
  • Attacking NPCs should no longer despawn while in combat.

Wizard Spire Rebuild Event

  • Attacking NPCs should no longer despawn while in combat.

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Comments (9)

  • Panther


    What is the use in fixing an event that is over ?
    How about spending that time in telling the comunity how they are going to compensate people who got bugged out of their rewards ?


  • Aethn


    The GM/CSR staff showed up on every bugged server and hand completed the rewards for anyone bugged out, if you were too impatiant to wait while SOE took the time to fix the mistake and loggd out you, have no one to blame but yourself. They litterally statyed online with players for 4+ hours on AB doing just that for us.


  • Aethn


    And also fixes dont just appear in patches overnight, most have ot be fixed, then sent to QA then cleared for the push to a patch. This fix you are claiming took so much of the DEV’s time was likely done days ago and in QA until now.


  • Panther


    What is the use of fixing an event that is not going to run again was my main comment. I am fully aware of how the patch life cycle works, but the use of “patching the hull of a ship that has sunk” escapes me.

    I play on the EQ2 extended server (AKA the orphan child eq2 server), and from what i have heard there was no GMs around to fix anything for anyone. I did log a petition, and got a responce with in aout 20 minutes to say that they are aware of the problem and that the Devs were looking at to how they were going to fix this widespread issue.

    I have been generally happy with the support from SOE and the CS have been very helpful and friendly. Maybe i will follow up on my petition and see if i can get my quest updated. Good to know that GMs are now allowed to do this 🙂

    Also how was a patch made “days ago” when the event only failed over the weekend, and CS informed us that DEV are not available over the weekend.
    (I dont really want to go into how EPIC the failure of this event was)


  • Karith


    @ Panther It’s not finished on Vox server. We appreciate the fix because it means with our small amount of people actually interested in finishing it that we actually have a chance to do so without the mob timing out because we are trying to kill an x3 with and x2. (And PQ epics have way more HP then most EZ mode epics, this is noticeably apparent when you are attacking the x4 at ringwar.)


  • Anaogi


    Ditto that, it isn’t finished on PermaMoore either. Please keep in mind, Panther, that yours is not the only server, or even the only one of consequence.

    Some of us actually pay monthly to play this game, after all.


  • Charn


    The construction crew and the researchers are doing all the work. We, the players, are protecting them and giving them supplies. I don’t understand HOW, in ANY WAY, giving them supplies effects how fast they work. In fact, the very fact that we’re giving the dwarves booze should slow them down. Even dwarves get drunk! And no matter how many hammers, nails, crystals, saws, or any other tool we give them, I don’t see how that would make them complete either portal faster. Giving someone a six pack and a sawzall every 5 minutes isn’t going to make them work any faster . . . especially, as it seems, these are union jobs and we are not allowed to build anything. If ANYthing, not protecting the builders would SLOW DOWN the event, but protecting them shouldn’t be making it go faster.

    I love you, devs, I had a great time chatting with you at Fan Faire, but sometimes I just don’t get the decisions being made . . . but I guess (and to quote a line from Total Recall) “Don’t think. I don’t give you enough information to think!” I just hope the “Big Picture” you’re painting isn’t a Monet, i.e. really great from afar, but not so good up close. Lest we forget, “The devil is in the details . . . “


  • Kwill


    At least you guys will know you need the special fighter debuff item to kill the boss mob when you get to 99%.


  • Feldon


    They are going to do some kind of patch this week that will credit everyone who was present and fighting when the mobs died.


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