SOE President John Smedley opened the SOE Fan Faire 2011 Welcome Reception with a personal apology. He apologized for the downtime, the hassle of changing passwords, and the service outage that affected all of Sony Online Entertainment this May. He wasted no time in announcing that all Fan Faire attendees would receive a Vasco Security Authenticator key fob. I personally was provided with an EverQuest II-branded security key fob.
Day: July 11, 2011
From I am outraged. I was just informed that, fantasy artist, Larry Elmore was Ripped Off during the 2011 Fan Faire. While he was with a potential customer, some thief stole his cash box, containing cash, and credit card receipts! If you purchased anything from Larry’s table this weekend, PLEASE… Check to make sure your purchase was completed through your bank Contact your bank and alert them to possible credit card fraud And most important.. If were NOT charged for your artwork, PLEASE contact Larry Elmore and do the right thing by making sure his work is compensated...
SOE has posted a video of the Community Relations panel from Saturday afternoon. This talks about Forum Rules, Moderators, the Community Council, the Podcast and Webcast, etc.
Photos and Videos from SOE’s Fan Faire 2011 event in Las Vegas are making their way online on sites around the web. After the jump, you’ll get to browse our photos, but first a few links to other sites that have also posted theirs. Cyliena over at Zam has posted a large number of photos of Fan Faire 2011. Togikagi over at Zam posted complete photos of all the Costumes at the Fan Faire Costume Contest. SOE posted Fan Faire Setup photos from July 7th, 2011. Great if you want to check out some in-progress costumes. Events4Gamers posted some...
We will be back Monday with screen shots, panel slides, commentary, the first wave of videos, and answers to questions outside of the Q&A panels including some that were submitted by EQ2Wire Readers! We’ll also make a pass through all of the Q&A sections of the Live Blog notes posted during the Panels to add a bit more detail and clean up a couple of typos. I don’t think there are any errors of meaning this time around (thanks Cyliena for catching one!). Bluetooth keyboard at 80wpm > trying to type on iPad screen!
This announcement was posted last week, but we knew it would get drowned out by Fan Faire coverage, so here we go… from Beginning July 12, 2011 at 1:00 a.m. US Pacific Time, we’ll be performing maintenance on all games and services. During this maintenance, our forums, websites and games will also be unavailable. The estimated downtime for the maintenance is 7 hours. We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed.