Written by Feldon on . Posted in Expansion News

beast lord is the 25th class!

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Comments (18)

  • Striinger


    Wow, I’m so surprised. :o|

    I’m ready for there to be about 80% BL’s on the server unless they give them a swat with a nerf bat to keep them in line with other classes.


  • Tarb


    Nice, when will they be playable?


  • T0ran


    ROFL, deep down we knew this had to be the class smoky added. So is it going to be a class or a subclass? If its a class what arch will it belong to? If a subclass what class will it belong to?


  • Striinger


    Nah, it’ll just be “Beastlord” on the first 2 tabs. 😉

    I haven’t played EQ1 in a LONG time, but aren’t beast lords sorta like a monk with a pet?


  • Kruzzen


    beastlord = monk/shammy/mage all in one.


  • Eschia


    This is a joke right? The class they always claimed they never would add and would ban you from the forums for mentioning. I am happy they are bringing it back though, but i know they will have to make up a whole new archaeotype for it since it’s rather a swiss army knife of different archaeotypes.


  • Gungo


    It was wearing leather in the screenshot so its probably a brawler with a pet.

    Still hoping they merge bruisers and monks and make beastlord the betrayal class.


  • Xeblikaa


    So I wonder what the lore is going to be behind the Beastlord?
    Did we just forget about them after 500 years and then someone said, hey lets make Beastlords again!
    I hope they make each race have their own pet type like in EQ1.


  • Striinger


    If they did that it wouldn’t be a 25th class. 😀


  • foozlesprite


    It will probably be of the ‘Station Cash Unlockable’ archetype 😛


  • Antonia Bayles bit on the side


    “It will probably be of the ‘Station Cash Unlockable’ archetype”

    Nopes. SJ has already stated it won’t be a SC purchaseable.


  • Green Armadillo


    @AB and Foozle: If I were SJ, I wouldn’t have been so proud to state that it would not go into the marketplace if it’s instead going into the game’s second paid expansion box this calendar year.


  • Azzaroth


    Not beeing a SC unlockable archetyp dosnt mean you could not buy some feature off the class that makes it attractive eg: “flig”… aeh i mean “pet” or a den for it…


  • Jrel


    April Fools is on Apr 1, not July 7 😉


  • Cristamir


    Oh I’m shocked! Shocked! And after they swore up and down that the new class was NOT going to be Beastlord. I’d like to say I’m shocked they were lying. But I’d be far more shocked if they had told the truth.


  • sam


    They never said it was not going to be a beastlord.


  • Kwill


    In that other game, the beastlord type class is a dual wield ranger with a pet. So you get a dps, leatherwearing class (but can also wear chain). The pet is tameable from the wild. Which is super fun, actually, because you can pick your pet, kind of like a coercer, but it would be permanent.

    Since many of the current ideas from SJ seem to be coming directly from other games (pegasus purchaseable mount, anyone?) then I would guess a lot of inspiration will come from ideas in other games that have already been implemented.

    It could even be that the beastlord will start at level 55 and you can’t have one until you have a level 90 … let’s hope they don’t go that far!


  • Liftik


    What cracks me up is people were actually suprised by this. I mean, what other class could they possibly have been considering?? Every other EQ1 class is already represented in EQ2, Beastlords where the only odd man(class)out. OF COURSE it was going to be the BL, unless they pulled a completely new, undiscussed class out of the proverbial hat.


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