3 thoughts on “Over your Character Limit? 1 Week to get it Sorted

  1. I remember there being rewards a long time ago of extra character slots. I figured i wrapped up a few myself. I could be mistaking or dreaming though… Me being a station access subscriber, i figured i had the base 12 plus a additional few. I’m glad i never used them lol. I only have 10 toons.

  2. Not counting things that were discovered on Test, this update has had what, two really major changes (character slots and exp bonus changes) so far that somehow got overlooked for the notes. I guess the proof will be in what happens next update. On the plus side, hopefully they won’t be launching a new payment model again next time out.

  3. That’s great news … except for those who don;t have a subscription at the moment and don’t want to pay $15 just to rejig their old characters. They should start the timer from when someone logs in.

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