Posts Tagged ‘guild points’

Guild Points — Did You Know?

Written by Feldon on . Posted in Grouping, Raiding

Over a year ago, the EQ2 Guild window gained a new column — Guild Points. This often misunderstood feature allows your guild leader and management to award points for anything they (or the guild) decides to track. Some guilds award players who earn a certain amount of status, help level the guild, assist other players, or any number of ‘gold star’ type measurements of players. Of course, some guilds don’t use Guild Points at all.

DKP in-game or website?

Raid Guilds have the unique challenge of divvying up the limited amount of Loot acquired each night to 24 (or more) players. Some Raid Guilds use a Loot Council or some variation on guild leadership choosing which players will get which items, it’s arguable that most raid guilds instead use a DKP (Dragon Kill Points) system. DKP is a score or measure of raid attendance, specifically the number of hours each player has participated in raids. Loot that drops during a raid is auctioned off to players who bid with DKP and are in good standing with their guild.

Every guild that makes use of a DKP or DKP-like system has the choice of using this relatively new Guild Points system, or if that guild has an established website, the infrequently updated eqdkp website script.

For those guilds that use the in-game Guild Points system, they may not be aware that there is a command to automate adding and removing points for the entire guild, the raid, a specific group, etc. Rothgar posted the info for this command today:

The /guild command does support a set of commands for manipulating the points system.

If you type “/guild points” and hit enter, you should get the following usage line.

Usage: /guild points [add|subtract] [point_value] [name|all|online|group|raid] [comment]

You should be able to add or remove points from a specific person, all guild members, only members that are online or only members that are in your current group or raid.


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