4 thoughts on “Game Update Notes for Thursday, April 14

  1. just a question here ….
    after getting troub’s crit chance up to 201 % yesterday
    woke up to find it at 189 % … is this just me ? ( it was 198 % before Igot it to 201 ) this is a serious step back for me
    and no – have no PQ gear — just some gear from SF (raid ),jewlry and charms from x2 – and gloves from x4 – is this a class or game nerf ? or a glitch / or just my bad luck ?? can’t find any information forums — or at least don’t now where to look

  2. “Added riposte chance to TOFSx2 and easy mode fighter earrings.”

    some people was furious to see 0.2 added, they took that as a /rude to them, why bother to add 0.2%. At last few vocal player on server was not happy.

    I think it’s funy but a bit provocation from soe to them…

    Balance always want say nerf… i m lucky as coercer i m not much nerfed yet. Cross finger. Dont try to balance caster, thanks LOL.

    They really should remove the asceznt movie, that’s just anoying, should be one time movie.

  3. and i dont understand why : “Stackable NO-TRADE or HEIRLOOM items can no longer be traded via the grace period system once they are looted.”

    they are not considered as loot anymore ? why ?

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