18 thoughts on “Destiny of Velious Screenshots?

  1. Is the quality comment ment as a hint? :p
    SOE was never really good at having AA enabled on their screenshots, but shader 3.0 seems to be on, and the quality atleast seems to be decent.

  2. Ahah, I can tell you that those are NOT minimum graphics settings. I played for a few years at minimum thanks to my old ‘craptop’ getting about 1-10 FPS on absolute minimum settings. That’s choosing the lowest option, then adjusting all the sliders down from there since the lowest preset is NOT as low as you can get. And then I’d disable text shadows, text smoothing, etc. Let me tell you, it was fun raiding like that.

  3. Things does not look good, only a month until release, and this is all they got to show? DoV is looking more and more like GU13 v2.0 to me… I hope they surprise us, but it looks like SOE maybe got 1(?) developer working (part-time?) on a whole expansion… I’m starting to dread February 22.

  4. I read it here i thnik, someone wrote: now that the hush, hush on DoV is on Massively expect screens and more info from SOE in the next day or two.

    Wow were they ever right.

    To me this once again shows SOE priority, current player base begging for info and they get nothing. OMG potential Station Cash users might see this on Massively get something out ASAP, delay the Velious Rewards who cares, just focus purely on Screen-shots and pre-order info. I say future Station Cash users as no one on the outside is really funnled anywhere but EQ2X.

  5. Yowza those shots are horrible. No AA and resized terribly.

    I would be embarrassed to be the $0E employee who was responsible either for the taking of those screenshots, or their modification, or the posting of them without fixing them. They really do look like EQ1 quality. Especially that dragon. My goodness, that’s bad!

    Fail Whale.

    If I was making a purchase decision based on screenshots, I wouldn’t be buying DoV.

  6. Yeah the SOE marketing team is major FAIL they are pissing me off nickel and dimer BS me to death with this GARBAGE,Leave that crap on the Extended server, if im a subscribed player i have already payed for this marketplace crap why pay more.I see them Draining the coffers till it is dried up and everyone will soon be going to play for a game who supports and rewards the subscribers and faithfull customers with more than JUNK Trinkets they call vet rewards. I want something i can Use for a vet reward maybe some decent appearance gear, or a mount or something productive not house items that just get chunked in the door and forgotten about. The Expansion price they are charging BETTER come with a mount or i will not be buying it as i see the potential i will no longer be supporting any of this retard marketing.

  7. @ Blockhead

    That quote was mine from the EQ2 Forums. How did you expect Sony to handle something like that? Massively is not some poor mans basement blog… it is THE MMO website. For a post like that to be up on a site like Massively is just plain bad for business. You HAD to expect Sony to release anything in the face of something like that.

    My post from Forums: DAMN it feels good to be right!

    “Expect a LOT of info tomorrow or Wednesday because if MASSIVELY is bashing Sony, they will take notice. Massively is THE MMO info website and that kind of negative publicity to being on it can’t sit well with Sony. I’m certain within the next 2 days they will come out with some info regarding DoV in the hopes that it will bump this particular article down limiting it’s viewings.”

  8. As a Froglok player I think they could have done a lot better for subject matter in some of the screenshots, although some key lore figures are shown in some.

    I’d have expected some taken from the air for starters since flying everywhere is a new feature, and as Feldon mentioned they’re with shader 1.0, with shader 3.0 plate looks so good it makes the shader 1.0 look like a bug at times.

    I’d also emphasize the variety of the races in EQ2, Ratatonga’s are popular, Frogloks are unique and very well done (I love them), Sarnak look awesome, Iskar (especially the females) are superb, I kind of wonder here if the person taking the screenshots just put their own personal perferences into it?

    At least the Othmir looked good, TTobey (and team?) really has done a great job bringing them to life.

    Oh well, back to the Velious Beta for me 😉

  9. Hey Jay, yes that is exactly what i read, good call bro. Grats!

    I usually don’t go to any EQ2 sites anymore other than here, why i assumed it was here. I think i wanted to get a general feeling out there and ya, pretty po’d community, but that’s norm lately.

  10. To be fair, aren’t most official screenshots of EQ2 underwhelming? I remember looking at pre-release screens and thinking “Wow, that looks… bland.” Maybe it’s just me. I’m looking forward to see how everything looks in action instead.

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