We’d like to thank everyone who has taken part in the EQ2Wire May 12th Reader Survey. If you haven’t yet filled it out, check it out here.
We’ve learned quite a bit from the entries so far, and we’ll be posting the aggregated results of this survey soon. Already, your comments are helping us improve EQ2Wire’s coverage. Readers are interested in articles about issues guilds face, player stories, and some general Lore background stories. These are items which EQ2Wire has not focused on before, but which we’d like to start dabbling in.
If you are interested in writing articles for EQ2Wire, even just a one-off article or one article a month, or cartoon strips, or illustrations, or basically anything you think is worthy of posting here, by all means, contact us!
The EQ2 Itemization Puzzle Part 2
We’ve gotten quite a few requests for this article. However the fact is, we just do not have enough “on the ground” information about the current EQ2 Itemization landscape from Mastercrafted and Legendary through Fabled gear. Even if we had something written and ready to post, Game Update 56 changed too many things that such an article would already be obsolete.
If you would like to contribute, or volunteer to help, please post a comment here. If there is enough interest, we may even set up a Wiki here on EQ2Wire temporarily so players can help us assemble this information.
We’d like to do this article, but we cannot write it without community involvement. I posted a request for help on the EQ2 Forums and EQ2 Flames and both threads were completely ignored. So unless someone steps forward to help, the article is going on the back burner.