Over two years after the introduction of Mythical weapons, Furies and Mystics logging after today’s Game Update 56 will notice a change in their mythical weapons which has neither been documented in any Update Notes, nor commented on publicly by any EQ2 developer.
Previously, the Mystic and Fury mythical weapons have added 10% of the character’s Wisdom to the character’s Potency. With today’s stealth change, furies and mystics will instead receive Ability Mod from their mythical weapon.
The result of this change, as per several players who have experienced the changes on Test and have thoroughly documented the results through statistics tracking software (ACT), will be a 15-30% decrease in healing effectiveness for most players, especially on Heal-over-Time spells.
Based on a Fury with 1,400 wisdom, this change will result in:
- -17.2% potency from the single target Heal-over-Time
- -17% potency from the group Heal-over-Time
- -27.4% potency from Death Swarm
- -26.7% potency from Tempest
- -2.9% potency from Thunderbolt
- -3.3% potency from Starnova
According to a player on the EQ2 Forums (Frametree) who contacted developers by PM and received a response this change is a “global bug-fix affecting more than just the healer classes weighing in here.”
You can read more about this change here:
Umm ya, Mystic didn’t have this ability, they had 30% of wisdom would be a mod to their wards only, at least get it straight. I don’t know about how bad for Fury, but that is good they are not meant to be a strong healer. You can always betray to warden. I see a lot of good Fury players that can heal and outdps an average t1 dps so that’s not right they can heal. As for mystic’s, with 1400 wisdom the 30% on the wards comes out to like 420, so if we lose 2/3 of it will be reduced to a max of about 140. Again, it only applies to wards. Those post’s you linked to are generally not even accurate.
It was to be expected, especially if the potency cap is removed as it is expected to
Mystics “runic armour” group mit n ward buff alone will tripple in capacity overnight. If the myths still provided potency then this could easily turn its passive-regen something that out-heals their main wards.
Sucks for druids though, HoTs n DoTs dont get as much from ability mod.
On monday on a raid encounter the mystic might heal for say 4k hp and the defiler for 5k hps, on tuesday after patch the mystic might now be healing for 3-4k hps and the defiler for 6-7k hps.
The couple of affected mythical effects have been part of healer balance for several years, it’s a big stealth change to the healer landscape. This GU most healers have all their spells substantially increase in strength, 2 healers who were broadly speaking balanced or even a bit below the other healers of their type have their important roles seeing marginal increases or actual decreases.
80% of a shaman’s heal parse is often wards, claiming a 20-45% drop in comparative ward power for a mystic versus a defiler is no big deal shows a lack of knowledge in my view.