8 thoughts on “Playing With Yourself — The European Battlegrounds Conundrum

  1. This whole thing hasn’t been thought through by whoever designed battlegrounds. I mean, wow, isnt it obvious that when French players are restricted to their own server, there’s no chance to get 24vs24 rolling consistently?

    Raptor Jesus on a boat.

    They shoulda dun this like the Test Server. You copy your toon with /battleground copy and play on the BG server like on the Test Server.

  2. As far as I know the EU servers are distributed, Splitpaw and Valor being in Amsterdam, RE and Innovation in the US. Given this, the argument of ping times is already weak. With the weird setup of something SOE calls “localization” I am not sure if it ever will be possible to connect a non-english client to an English (BG) server, this leaves those servers completely out of a solution in my opinion. Then again, those poor guys are used to grief.
    For the 2 EN_EU servers the only option seems to be to connect to US BG regardless of client patch status. This will mean of course, if the versions are different you will get an error and the connection will be dropped. On the positive side you have 5-6 days, where you actually can play sth different than Gears. Later on they could find a more proper “client rejected” message. unfortunately this view is most probably to simplicated 🙂
    Given the past experience with SOE regarding Non-US players I highly doubt any solution soon (or at all if you take a look at the fate of Talendor)

    they really should poll the players if that’s what they want.

  3. addendum: also, people who decided to stick to a german/french server are probably people with a worse English than Germans and Frenchies who play on US/UK servers. Communication, particularly via voice chat, would be fun :p

  4. @Lessing

    German servers Valor and Innovation are sticked together. But also we have dosn’t have enough players to get x2 or x4 up on a regular base. Their have been plenty of suggestions on the forums, inclusive to take BG on our servers down in the time where different pacht levels are running.

    Most people sticking on their server because they have their guild and their friends there. we did not move cause of the lag that all language localized server had since years. why should anyone move only because of battlegrounds.
    Btw. It dosn’t take to many language knowlege to understand. “G1 to the center, rest follow xxxx” or something similar.

    Playing on an english client on BG would not be a huge Problem.

    I aggree that a solution like Test Copy would be good for BG or even an PVP Copy Server wich could be fun, but would collapse faster then nagafen 🙂

    Azzaroth / Server Valor

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