7 thoughts on “Update Notes: Thursday August 17, 2017

  1. As you indicated, the ability to access a raid zone using more than one player’s lockout has existed for years. Most guilds have used it so that their raid force on “off” nights can go through and clear trash and easier mobs so that on the “hard” nights, their progression force can clear the hard stuff. I don’t know a guild that hasn’t used this lockout trick, including guilds that devs have been a member of.

    Fixes which have been attempted over the years:


    I wish you guys luck in finding an amicable solution.

    Feldon I can back you up 100 percent on this. I raided with Gninja for a long time and he would use this trick to set zones for the guild. Furthermore he was a heavy user of the botting program which name escapes me at the moment. More people should be aware of these things but I imagine I would be an immediate ban on the official forums.

    1. I thought that the lack of respect and appreciation that Gninja showed towards Feldon was shameful. I think these devs are overly sensitive and hostile because they know they have been a part of screwing EQ2 up royally.

      1. My favorite was the “Please don’t give the impression that you know more than other players.” Ok so I’m supposed to forget the last 9 years covering the game and 7 fan faires?

        1. It was unbelievable to me and if they are that comfortable with openly attacking you, then that proves how far they have fallen and how little they appreciate the remaining players. We are closer to the end than most people think and at this point it would be a mercy in my opinion.

          1. They are afraid of truth. I’m sure the eclipse today scared the heck out of them. And yes, should you dare to contradict them on their forums, prepare to be banned. I was banned for a few months but some time in the past week or so it mysteriously reverted.

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