7 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, January 28, 2014

  1. Apparently, they introduced a (not commented) change in cliky usages.
    We used to be able to spam a macro with Equip+Use Item in order to stack clicky effects prior to combat.
    It doesn’t work since this morning. Now, as soon as you used a clicky effect, you got a timer to reuse any clicky item from this very same slot. If you try to equip something else and use this item, you get a message :
    Mystical energies are preventing you from activating item abilities from that equipment slot …

    I haven’t read anything related to this on update notes, but I’m sure a dev knows about it 🙂

  2. Clickies are tied to the slot. That was explained at fanfaire last year but it was bugged until this patch. I’m sure there’s a thread about it somewhere.

    If you find that the charm doesn’t cool down unless it’s equipped then I’m not sure that THAT is intended unless it was the only way to keep you from using an uber clicky by swapping charm slots and using it twice.

  3. You are right.
    Though the restriction isn’t perfect and you can still use pre-ToV clickies from the same slot.
    Overall, I guess it’s quite normal to avoir 32 stacking charm effects (plus the macro spam associated).
    Thanks for your responses

  4. It doesn’t appear to be documented but I’ve also noticed a general drop in auto-attack dps across three of my characters.

    I first noticed a signifigant drop in DPS in a TOV instance, which got me digging and comparing parses from a few days back vs today.

    This is unrelated to proc rates or fabeld zones. These numbers come from training dummies in a guild hall.

    When comparing parses taken very recently before this patch, against both heroic and epic training dummies, the min and max hits are roughly equivalent, but the median auto attack dps has gone down by 21-29%. This tells me the distribution is skewing more towards the lower (min) damage than before.

    These are in fights lasting between 3-5 minutes so they represent sustained numbers.

    Overall, since my characters aren’t proc-heavy on their total DPS, this has upped the time it takes to kill most TOV instance critters by +40% or so. Has anyone else noticed this? I’ve seen it on 4 different characters.

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