19 thoughts on “Will You Buy Stacking Group XP Potions?

  1. 50%? That boost barely registers among the hundreds of percent boosts you can get already.

    Whale food for sure. This item isn’t for you to drop 40 bucks and help level up your friends. This is for the guy boxing 6 accounts to level them all quicker. Those people are already more than likely dropping a lot of cash.

    But even then, this boost is so small that they probably priced themselves right out of those folks too.

  2. From that tweet, I think what was being said was that these potions stack with each other and normal xp potions, but that there is a 250% Cap for THESE particular ally potions.

    So basically, only you and 4 other group members could use them. If number 6 pops one, the extra 50% won’t apply. But that 250% will stack with your normal xp bonuses.

    Of course, in order to reach 250%, the group basically has to drop 200 dollars between them all. Might as well have started a group of heroic characters for that.

  3. Actually, a guildmate had been asking me for three days prior to this what this new “xp mod” number was when he examined his toon. We pinned down that running a normal xp pot registered there…but didn’t figure much else out. So, if the cap is 250…I’d say three of these US $42.50 pots and one 100% player pot gets you to the cap. For two hours. What are you thinking, SOE? I could honestly see someone paying upwards of 40 bucks for maybe a 6 hour pot that acted like a double xp weekend. But 2 hours of 50% xp groupwide? No thanks.

  4. I honestly find this stunt from SoE insulting to its customer base if it really is meant to have this price range, which seems the case since Holly confirmed its price.

    Even if it’s just a test to see how profitable this might be, the item itself is way overpriced by about $40 dollars.

    There are far better potions to use which are cheaper to buy or get completely for free by playing the game.

    This looks to me like an attempt to take advantage to those with accumulated Station Cash or those that don’t know enough about this game and the leveling mechanics involved in this game that might think buying this potion might be a good idea.

    Reminds me of the whole EVE Online $70 Monocle debacle from 2011.

    How does EQ2 pretend to bring in more customers or keep the ones that are in the game right now when they keep making these dumb mistakes like ignoring and/or pissing off their customers.

      1. Sure. Only a couple have bought it in 3 different servers last i checked.

        Just trying to figure out what’s in their minds releasing an item like this for this price, considering how similar situations have happened in the past in other MMO’s and it didn’t go well for them.

  5. Every time they have used the word “Experiment” like for Fabled Deathtoll, Sparkling Fabled Gemstones on Etyma Merchant and now this, means ridiculously overpriced items via cash or in game currency.

  6. To add to that:

    If SoE team is hurting for funding or profit on EQ2… Raise the sub for a buck or two. Don’t try to gouge people with silly costs for items that only exist as 0’s and 1’s.

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