102 thoughts on “Updated: REMOVE DNS Entries So You Can Access Daybreak Games, Websites, Forums

  1. I am set as the Admin on my computer but it will not let me save this updated information into this file, says “Access Denied” when i press save.. Any advice as to how to get it to save?

    1. You may want to make sure that the file has security set for ‘administrators’ to Full Control (right-click and choose security tab). Depending upon your OS, the details may differ.

  2. I am in the uk an experiencing the same problem Using host file fix I can get the to game Through the patcher, but it returns the error cannot connect to login servers please try again. The same running everquest2.exe do we need to add the address of the login servers as a temporary fix for this ?

  3. I am on US server and cant log on forums or game 🙁 did the flush to no avail, reboot too. Tried by-passing the normal launcher, and still receive the message that Client version does not match the server’s… So I guess will just wait it out a couple more hours and see if soe gets it fixed. At a loss as to what else I can do.

  4. Aye, thanks a lot for the help. With the editted hosts file I am at least able to read the forums. However, despite numerous dns flushes and pc/router reboots I still can not connect to any of these SOE services. I guess all that is left is to wait until it fixes itself – I hope it’s not 72 hours.

    1. The host file edit won’t work. I think it is because since the game was patched today, if you edit the host file, it won’t run the patch, and as a result, it won’t match the game correctly, and won’t let you in.

      1. Not sure if this will work any better: lp.soe.com lvs-recap-01.station.sony.com manifest.patch.station.sony.com account.station.sony.com assets.soe.com smetrics.soe.com auth.station.sony.com planetside2.com www.planetside2.com everquest2.com www.everquest2.com eq2.patch.station.sony.com census.soe.com data.soe.com
        1. It helped me get logged into the game and start it. But when i got in game I could not access the login server for the specific server i guess.
          If anyone has the ip’s for the servers that might help as well.
          I personally play on Splitpaw 🙂

  5. That got me patching! Ty so much.

    Also…with the prior list having a few entries being “totally wrong”, I feel I do have to ask…was there anything actually risky?

  6. Is this the only way I will be able to access the game and website from now on? I’m not at all comfortable trying to change a file on my computer. Will there be a fix for people who are not able to do this?

  7. Able to launch & play EQ2 after adding all of the entries into my etc\hosts file; a subset would not work. Although I suspect the PS2 entries not meaningful to non-PS2 players 🙂

    However, this does not help folks in Landmark – who, if they are like me, can log-in and launch the patcher only to receive something similar to:

    Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable – No data (11004) – http://eqnext-landmark.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/eqnext/test/common.sha.zs/7f/4e1/4778758efdff2910ca92ef428bbd8b0d265

    and as a note, albeit unrelated to EQ2, the landmark forums are unavailable.

      1. yeah – SOE loses their site to an emplotment firm in Dubai, Saudi Arabia… man, talk about unsecure.

        The funny thing here is that my only two Landmark communication methods rely on SOE – the game and the forums. So, if someone has posted a workaround on facebook, twitter, twitch, etc – I’ll not know about it. And then there is the comparison to the old IT mindset – log-in and contact us about your problem – even though it is about the connection, /sigh.

  8. Nothing worked for me except editing the host file. (Although I use OpenDNS, so I tried refreshing the cache for a few Sony domains and got errors.)

    However, although I can log in to eq2, Landmark won’t finish loading.

  9. To get onto Splitpaw (and i assume other european servers?) change your DNS in your router to the Google ones mentioned above ( and
    None of the /flushdns or hosts editing worked for me, but changing my DNS servers and leaving everything else unmodified worked like a charm

  10. Hardcoding something into the host file is a bad idea. This is a DNS cache problem that will resolve itself once the cache timeout is reached and the ISP servers go back to the root sources to look it up.

    A better workaround would be to go change your DNS server to Google. They host DNS servers on and GTE has some public one on

    You can change the DNS your router hands out to use the Google one instead of your ISP, or you could just update your local network interface to use Google for DNS. Google is probably a better DNS provider than your ISP anyway (some ISP’s like to censor).

    If you do change it, you may need to run ipconfig /flushdns from command prompt to dump your local dns cache (reboot also accomplishes this).

  11. Still not happening for me from Australia 🙁

    BTW Feldon you need to set a reminder to post an article here in about a week to remind people to revert their hosts file back to ensure that they do not have mysterious problems if the IP addresses change in the future.

  12. Great job posting assistance on gaining access to the EQ2 login server and SOE. The information made all the difference for myself and several others who I passed it along to. Could not have gotten on without it.

  13. OK! Sony change all your IP’s now!

    It would have been better to have them change their DNS server to OPENDNS or one that the changes has already flowed to then to have people who don’t have a clue change their host file.

    At least you tried to help people and it is the thought that counts. I applaud you.

  14. As a general rule I try to set my secondary DNS on my router (that feeds my computers via DHCP) to something other than my local ISP in Australia just because of slow propagation. I’ve never noticed it hurting anything.

  15. Any idea when the websites/games will be fixed w/out having to do some copy/paste/bypass/unprofessional b.s.?

    I check out EQ2 every few days but seems this kind of frontface issue would have been solved without consumer troubleshooting days ago.

    1. I check out EQ2 every few days but seems this kind of frontface issue would have been solved without consumer troubleshooting days ago.

      Might want to read up on the Domain Name System. It’s beyond SOE’s control to update every ISP on the planet with the updated records.

    1. Here is a screenshot.


      I had to save it to desktop…go into FileZilla and strip the .txt (as it saved it whether I wanted it to or not). Then delete the file in the drivers/etc folder and drag the one on my desktop into here. I’m sure the easiest way was to bypass the administrator settings, but I am still learning Windows 8.

  16. ok the hosts file is having issues with notepad it says ” This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the default programs control panel. “

  17. If you need to access the host file and easily make edits to the file, make sure you create a shortcut for it. If you have a shortcut you can run that shortcut as administrator. To do this right click on the desktop area and create a new shortcut
    You will be prompted to have enter in the path to the file. On Windows 7 or 8 the path to the file is C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts there is a space between the two but it must be entered in at the same time. Once you have entered in this information you will have a shortcut to the file. Run it as administrator and save yourself the headache. Have a nice day.

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