3 thoughts on “Coming Soon: New Flavor of Red Gemstone for Raiders

  1. About time. Nothing like getting gear that is worse than fully-gemmed heroic until you get a few-and-far-between red gem to use on it.

    Of course, will still suck having to farm them all for purple, but at least thats for the currently “best” armor. Now if only 90% of the raid dropped jewelery wasn’t worse than what you can get from heroics (or even solo rarely)…

  2. So happy to read this! I was so regretting my decision to get armor slot raid gear – though it was an upgrade at the time, I knew it was just a matter of time before I would get the potent piece and then it would be better than my raid gear. And no way I’m ever seeing a shining red gem 🙂

    Will be nice for the raid gear to mean something.

  3. I want the shining red gems that I put into my energized raid gear back in my bags the day this goes live. I think its the only way to address the players that have put the shining red gem into energized raid gear. If there had been an expectation to add “Fractured Red Gemstones” into the Tears of Veeshan expansion when it launched then I would of hoarded any shining red gems that I received for mystical raid gear.

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