Looking Beyond Velious

Written by Feldon on . Posted in Commentary, Expansion News

A thread was created on the EQ2 Forums a couple of weeks ago entitled “Why is there no hype about Velious?” which elicited responses from Amnerys and Rothgar indicating that we’re still 3 months away and not everything is nailed down. This thread raged on.

However the real discussion about the EverQuest II expansion Destiny of Velious and future of Norrath beyond its release has been happening in the elephantine Server Merges Announced by Email thread, which has become sort of an omnibus discussion between SmokeJumper, Rothgar, and the players.

The latest branch of the discussion started with a zinger by a player JAEnox:

The way to save EQ2 is to return it to the way EQ2 was supposed to be in the first place!

SmokeJumper took the bait:

Okay. I’ll bite. What would that be? What was EQII supposed to be “in the first place”? MMOs are constantly-changing vehicles. Change is something that happens in all games of this genre. We’re certainly not going to lock it into a single state and never adapt or move forward.

So what would you have us do? I’d love to hear constructive suggestions. Leave the marketplace out of it for the moment since that is a completely optional element that you can gleefully ignore if you so choose. What would you like to see change in the game? Or how has it deviated from “the way it was supposed to be”?

Malificant of Unrest put this forward:

For me the game has gotten to where it is too easy. People are spoon fed things. No more challenge.

to which SmokeJumper said:

We tend to agree with you that the challenge that most folks associate with any type of game has been missing for a while. We’re reintroducing some of the old beloved challenges in the Velious expansions and we’re going to keep tweaking the game to make it a more involved, game-like experience in the future.

Itemization got a massive overhaul in the Velious expansion. If you all like what you see there, then we’ll be doing a sweep elsewhere and taking the lessons we learn in that expansion to make everything else better as well. We have high hopes for doing some really cool things in the future (yes, including Freeport and Qeynos).

We also tend to agree that the guild hall amenities, while being very cool and convenient, did not do good things for the game long-term. Of course, there’s no way that we’re going to yank all that stuff away from players, so we’re looking into ways to counteract some of the bad things that happened as people isolated themselves into guildhalls (mostly by making very attractive socialization points outside of guild halls that won’t become amenities). More on that (much) later from now.

While I don’t personally demonize Guild Halls as others do — cities were largely abandoned even before Guild Halls were introduced — I can see the value in adding more socialization options. Empty zones send a bad signal. About why we’ve had radio silence so far on Velious, SmokeJumper commented:

We may have made a mistake reserving so much stuff for Velious. That makes it look like we’re not adding anything to the current game and focusing all our efforts on the marketplace. But that’s not actually true. You’ll see when Velious comes out that we’re adding tons of stuff that you can quest and play to get.

Additionally, even the marketplace stuff is getting reused and added to existing loot tables. We recently did that with mounts and armor in the Unseen Arcanum stuff, and we intend to do more and more of that as we move along.

And yes, we’d like grouping to be more advantageous so its attractive to players. We’re working on designing those adjustments and we’ll have more to say on that front after Velious launches.

We need to start talking about Velious. Marketing is getting their act into gear now, and I’ve been holding off announcing anything so that I don’t steal their thunder. (They need to keep stuff in hiding so they can get exclusives for press opportunities and such, and the more I talk about, the less opportunities they get.) But you should start hearing a lot more soon.

Ok, so what about Velious? On the subject of challenge, a player Mentin had this to say:

It would be interesting if some mmorpg vendor would take the risk at releasing a challenge variant of their game. Put in corpse runs, key farming/flagging, make (some) travel meaningful, make content hard enough that it is really challenging. Maybe force grouping for more content.

It’s worth pointing out that Rift: Planes of Telara has a form of corpse runs but without the chance of dying. A hybrid approach. SmokeJumper responded with:

I secretly loved (and miss) corpse runs. That level of difficulty is probably beyond what we’re talking about in the near future though.

I don’t particularly like forcing huge travel times from place to place though. Even though boat rides are cool the first, second third times, crossing the OOT over and over just gets…well…old.

But yes, challenging content is where we’re going.

We want you to be able to brag about your game. We’re working with small steps first on Velious to ensure that it’s a quality experience. Then we’ll start making more changes thereafter.

I don’t know if you realize or not, but we have fixed a lot of issues/bugs in the last few GUs (and hotfixes) and we’ve streamlined a lot of stuff also. It’s a huge game, but we’re chipping away at it constantly.

Obviously he’s not talking about making the whole game more difficult, but adding some more challenging content for raid, group, and even solo players. SmokeJumper suggested that EQ2 could be more engaging, more “game-like” which received mixed responses, so he countered with:

By “game-like”, I meant that combat and adventuring could have a bit more knuckle-biting action and risk associated with it, rather than just “slam all 40 buttons as they become available”. Don’t worry. I’m not suggesting we turn it into Sonic the Hedgehog or anything.


We agree that classes need more uniqueness. Our lead designer has provided a far-reaching design which I agree with and am supporting. If I can get approval from the company to make the changes, then we will be posting it for feedback and discussion and then making the changes sometime after Velious. It will *not* be just like the old days. Times have changed and gamers have moved on. But I’m of the opinion that we can make things a lot better than they are now, making grouping interesting and raid compositions more flexible.

Tradeskills: Well, yeah. 456456456456456123456456 gets old. I have a level 90 alchemist that made my eyes bleed. We know it needs to change. The fact of the matter is though, that a lot of the tradeskillers actually *like* a game that doesn’t require much challenge. So we have a design balancing act to do there. But yes, it needs love and we’ll get to it.

Regarding the vague changes: I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again here. I can’t promise details ahead of time. Everytime I’ve promised details in my 20+ years of making games, it has bitten me in the keester in a most painful way. We hold back until we think we have a good quality plan, and then in the case of some of the big issues (like class details mentioned above), we’ll communicate to you folks for feedback. But until we get *much* closer to the changes, we just can’t set expectations. Company directives change, we get better ideas, the industry shifts and we have to react…there are lots of reasons why things need to change and I just simply refuse to add more ammunition to the folks that insist I lie to them all the time. I hope you understand.

So is Destiny of Velious going to have more of the same? Another AA grind, another XP grind, the typical instances, raid zones, etc. that we seem to get every expansion? Not so fast…

More of the same, no matter how good the first few courses were to eat, eventually gets boring and vanilla. We’re having discussions that refuse to allow such phrases as “because we’ve always done it that way” or “the players will hate change” to occur in them.

It’s okay to say “There’s this cool feature in WoW that would be great for our game because of X, Y, and Z.” But it’s *not* okay to say “We should do it because WoW does it.”

Some of the ideas we’ve tossed around are just patently ridiculous, but others are interesting enough that we’re doing more exploration. We’ll be trotting some of that stuff out to you for discussion after Velious launches. Excitement is something we want in this game.

In closing, SmokeJumper had this to say:

You haven’t seen the Velious expansion yet (duh), but there’s a ton of stuff in there that’s unique and not available in the marketplace. Marketplace items come out, usually one per week…but there’s way more items created for Velious than that. We’ve also been adding unique versions of marketplace items into recent dungeons (like Unseen Arcanum) which even has unique mounts in it as loot. This is a trend we intend to continue.

There are good epic storylines and quests in Velious. Is it a clone of Velious from EQ1? No it’s not. But it has many homages to what was there before (think Butcherblock).

We’re working on Velious to make that the best expansion we’ve offered to-date also. We realize there are shortcomings in some of what EQII has to offer and we’re discussing fixes/changes for a lot of that, probably in ways that are unforseen by you currently (but all of which are exciting).

Velious first, and then more later.

New MMOs will continue to come out, but they will never catch up with our content and feature set size. Assuming that we hone the existing gameplay and new offerings that we make to be better and better, there’s no reason that EQII can’t continue to be one of the best MMOs out there and to leave other offerings farther and farther behind.

We are here because you are here. We’ll do our best to entertain you so that you stay here. I wish this stuff was “quick fix”, but that’s not the nature of the beast. But we *are* working on it. You’ll see.

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Comments (9)

  • Quesera


    Hm. Thank you for this, Feldon. I appreciate the news as always!


  • zerigo


    every time i see smokes posts it makes me cringe


  • Sigtyr


    You know this actually sounds fun, if half of what he says are true I will resub. Even though I am ultra casual I am SOO fed up with EQ2 at the moment. Ill might resub and work a few levels to be 86 to Feb, I just refuse to Soloquest 2 to 90, that is now why I started playing EQ2 4 years ago.


  • Dreiden


    I really hope he continues to communicate this much. It’s so much better then radio silence even if most of what he is saying is that there are things coming. It seems to me that he is excited and I think that’s a good thing. He knows there are problems and admitting that is great. I think Velious will be a good proving ground for him.


  • Darkcircle


    It’s going to be interesting to see how this all rolls out. If I remember right SJ was hired during the the making of Velious with its content etc… already planed out. So anything during this point, and on will have my attention to say the least.

    I love the fact that he touched on how classes feel, or should feel in the game. I hope they can keep it simple and to the point. Else its going to get nasty and mixed up fast.

    As for making the game more challenging. Im all for it. So as long as its 85+ content. With some tweaks in the 30’s and 60’s. That’s my opinion of course.

    Itemization! That was another topic i was wanting to hear of. Lets all pray to our Gods “if none, then to me.. =D” that its awesome, and works.

    They need to add upon Trade-skilling. Would love to see it get to the point where Items play necessary role on the outcome.

    I want Adornments for charms!


  • Feldon


    In case it hasn’t been said enough, it’s worth pointing out that the first thing SmokeJumper did while on the job was roll one character of each of the 24 classes, utilising all 6 starting zones, and leveled them up. Maybe not all of them to 90, but certainly some of them.


  • Drumstix42


    I support both the eagerness and willingness SmokeJumper displays in communicating with the players. I feel the game still has some hope in it, and time truly will tell if this change in leadership is for the best.

    We haven’t really heard much besides “plans” and a few details on things that have nothing to do with the expansion…. but at least we are hearing something.


  • Xalmat


    Psst. We’re two months out from Velious, not three.


  • Striinger


    SJ always seems to cop a lot of crap. I think a lot has to do with him being smarter than most of his critics (or at least more insightful). The days of ridiculously hard MMO’s are over because players aren’t primarily unemployed/students anymore. Most of us that were, are now employed with real world commitments. SJ demonstrates an understanding of that.

    Also, he realizes that EQ2 is first and foremost a business. If it stops making a PROFIT (don’t confuse revenue with profit) then, and only then will it die. Love or hate SC it’s injecting a lot of money into the game. SC and EQ2X is paying for live content, not the other way around. My hat is off to them for making a server that’s completely isolated from the live servers to get a burst of exposure and cash injection. That’s smart and good timing!

    Last, anyone who works in a large corporation knows that a department like EQ2 is a tiny fish in a huge Sony pond. That means no one person will know what’s coming for certain until it’s nearly or completely ready to test. Combined with the history of players who are quick to judge and quicker to be “the victim” (search any forum thread) of someone lying to them, I can totally understand why the EQ2 teams are unwilling to share ideas on their agenda before they are a certainty (not to mention the retribution of marketing if you leak their zinger).

    So, give the guys credit (and some do). They make a great game and they DO listen to us (even if they don’t follow my instructions to the letter). :). Happy gaming!


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