9 thoughts on “Looking Beyond Velious

  1. You know this actually sounds fun, if half of what he says are true I will resub. Even though I am ultra casual I am SOO fed up with EQ2 at the moment. Ill might resub and work a few levels to be 86 to Feb, I just refuse to Soloquest 2 to 90, that is now why I started playing EQ2 4 years ago.

  2. I really hope he continues to communicate this much. It’s so much better then radio silence even if most of what he is saying is that there are things coming. It seems to me that he is excited and I think that’s a good thing. He knows there are problems and admitting that is great. I think Velious will be a good proving ground for him.

  3. It’s going to be interesting to see how this all rolls out. If I remember right SJ was hired during the the making of Velious with its content etc… already planed out. So anything during this point, and on will have my attention to say the least.

    I love the fact that he touched on how classes feel, or should feel in the game. I hope they can keep it simple and to the point. Else its going to get nasty and mixed up fast.

    As for making the game more challenging. Im all for it. So as long as its 85+ content. With some tweaks in the 30’s and 60’s. That’s my opinion of course.

    Itemization! That was another topic i was wanting to hear of. Lets all pray to our Gods “if none, then to me.. =D” that its awesome, and works.

    They need to add upon Trade-skilling. Would love to see it get to the point where Items play necessary role on the outcome.

    I want Adornments for charms!

  4. In case it hasn’t been said enough, it’s worth pointing out that the first thing SmokeJumper did while on the job was roll one character of each of the 24 classes, utilising all 6 starting zones, and leveled them up. Maybe not all of them to 90, but certainly some of them.

  5. I support both the eagerness and willingness SmokeJumper displays in communicating with the players. I feel the game still has some hope in it, and time truly will tell if this change in leadership is for the best.

    We haven’t really heard much besides “plans” and a few details on things that have nothing to do with the expansion…. but at least we are hearing something.

  6. SJ always seems to cop a lot of crap. I think a lot has to do with him being smarter than most of his critics (or at least more insightful). The days of ridiculously hard MMO’s are over because players aren’t primarily unemployed/students anymore. Most of us that were, are now employed with real world commitments. SJ demonstrates an understanding of that.

    Also, he realizes that EQ2 is first and foremost a business. If it stops making a PROFIT (don’t confuse revenue with profit) then, and only then will it die. Love or hate SC it’s injecting a lot of money into the game. SC and EQ2X is paying for live content, not the other way around. My hat is off to them for making a server that’s completely isolated from the live servers to get a burst of exposure and cash injection. That’s smart and good timing!

    Last, anyone who works in a large corporation knows that a department like EQ2 is a tiny fish in a huge Sony pond. That means no one person will know what’s coming for certain until it’s nearly or completely ready to test. Combined with the history of players who are quick to judge and quicker to be “the victim” (search any forum thread) of someone lying to them, I can totally understand why the EQ2 teams are unwilling to share ideas on their agenda before they are a certainty (not to mention the retribution of marketing if you leak their zinger).

    So, give the guys credit (and some do). They make a great game and they DO listen to us (even if they don’t follow my instructions to the letter). :). Happy gaming!

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