9 thoughts on “Windstalker Teases Tuesday Update — More Status Items, Mystery Crates

  1. This kind of thing used to excite me but after they made such a fuss about adding adornments to the loyalty merchant I really don’t care.

    I still love the game but all the ancillary crap they are adding these days just seems like a waste of dev time to put in and waste of time to get excited about.

    I’m going to get some sleep before I start to sound jaded.

    1. Yeah exactly. They made this huge deal about adornments that aren’t even as good as mastercrafted. We’ll see when we see. It better not be like Rift’s mystery crates that cost StationCash to unlock.

  2. I have in the moment 12 mio status on one of my character without rading or some other hardcore thingys, only grouping and making heritage quests… its not a problem to get status, really not 😉

  3. The game wide decorator channel was pretty quiet after the last big “100 new items coming to loyalty merchant” thang petered out. We were all sooooo excited, wondering if this item or that we’d been feedbacking about was FINALLY coming to game… annnnnnnnnd excitement was gone… It was like that deflating balloon sound or watching a souffle go flat. >.< We got 100 items but furniture aint one.
    Keeping fingers crossed they make the adventurer stuff more accessible for you peeps, but also hoping for some of the stuff us decorators have been begging for. =P They added one recipe to the loyalty merchant, so maybe those triangle building blocks… nahhhhh… XD

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