7 thoughts on “Gear Up, Level Up #3: October 21-28, 2016

  1. There is a chance of the chests dropping double loot. There’s also a chance some zones will drop more chests. What those chances are I don’t know and how those chances differ between heroic and raid zones I also have no idea.

    I can say that my guild raided all TOT zones last week and we saw this happen on occasion, it wasn’t rare but it wasn’t exactly common either. That’s all anecdotal of course.

    1. Here it is from everquest2.com:

      The Double Loot bonus will give you a 25% chance of getting double loot drops from all Terrors of Thalumbra, Scourge Keep, and Fabled Fallen Dynasty raid bosses, as well as from the final bosses in their heroic, event heroic, or solo zones.

      I think most people have (reasonably) assumed they should be getting double loot across the board, since this is the only place I’ve seen the actual parameters spelled out. The double loot I’ve seen personally falls right in line with this quote.

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