20 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 — Heroic Characters, AoD a la carte, Item Unlocks Going Away

  1. If you pre-order the Tears of Veeshan expansion, it will include immediate access to all the Chains of Eternity expansion content!

    Does this mean that only the pre-order will have CoE? Or is it just that if you pre-order it you get CoE along with it and can still buy the x-pack later and get CoE attached?

    1. When you pre-order the x-pack (i.e. you buy it now, but only get it once it is released) you can immediately use the CoE content without having to wait for the x-pack to be released.

    1. BAH! Hit enter too soon.

      Anyway, was this a real problem for people? This came out, when, 2005-ish? What WAS the issue they had to have someone take the time to even NOTICE this was a problem, let alone change this (no matter HOW little time it may have taken) EIGHT years after the fact?

      With a new expansion coming, and the recent “Corporate Outplacing” (i.e. staff reduction), THIS is even on the LIST of priorities?

      /shrug I just don’t get them sometimes . . .

      1. According to the EQ2 forums here, this is a small part of an almost total revamp of claimed items that they felt was too long of a list of changes to put into the patch notes. “The changes are too lengthy to list in whole” in regards to patch notes is a concept I am having some difficulty comprehending, but at any rate it would appear one of the changes made it into the notes.

      1. Your flippant remark is foolish. I read all of it and looked at the item that shows Create Level 85 Heroic. Yes, I know how to read and you can stop being a jerk. With that being plainly said, when you click on the create Level 85 Heroic it gives you a try before you buy option and spend sc option. I was trying to see if it would just give you it without charging or if it would be a claim item to unlock it or what. Thanks for being so unhelpful.

          1. You can keep your glands to yourself, thanks. 🙂 They have added at the bottom of the create 85 character a create your 1 free option. Still waiting to see if they fix the auto upgrade option that is happening.

        1. Not sure how that happened Kruzzen. I just logged in a level 47 alt who was mentored down and the alt is still level 47 mentored down.

          Zoning does not change level nor does camping out and logging back in.

          Perhaps your son selected a character and clicked the option ‘Create level 85 Heroic’ instead of play.

          1. They have already brought the servers down once. I expect to see bugs all over. There is already a thread detailing several bugs they have run into.

          2. So looking through the forums and it appears there is an additional button on the main screen that is not being seen by custom UI’s. You can accidentally click it even though it is invis and upgrade without knowing.

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