27 thoughts on “EQ2 and Station Forum Archives @ EQ2Wire

  1. Feldon is amazing. I seriously do not know how he finds the time to gift us all with this site and EQ2U.

    I know that Dethdlr works pretty manically on the sites too yet Feldon is the backbone.

    1. Also, uberfuzzy’s example above is someone’s signature, not their post.

      UPDATE: I fixed those UTF8 signatures. There were only 14 of them.

      The bigger problem is the posts. It looks like in an overabundance of caution, I was stripping <br /> tags. Since the EQ2 forums allowed almost any kind of HTML, some posts used <p> or <div> tags, but others used <br /> and I stripped those out. It’s a real mess. 🙁 I’ve run a query and there are over 17,000 posts over 2,000 characters long with no spacing whatsoever. I may have to scrape the “new” Archive just to fix those posts. 🙁

  2. Great work Feldon. Better to have two archives than none at all. For the record: I like yours better and will use it instead of SOE’s (which lists all boards as empty until you enter them).

  3. break anything else

    Most likely not. Really only affects those stupid fancy quotes, and some non-english chars. I’ve just dealt with that sort of thing in a past job, and knew to check for it ;P

    Also, I do want to give proper kudos for making this effort, AND preserving the url structure/IDs

  4. Why is it, you can do this, in your “spare” time, without expectations of compensation, yet even the new EQ2 Forums are crud (they REALLY need to break up the class section BY class and not archetype . . . ).

    I’d say they should hire you . . . but I’d be afraid they’d corrupt you and you’d put out the same “FINE” work they’ve been doing for years . . .

    Corporations: Killing productivity since the invention of writing . . . (so quite a while now).

    1. Ahhh, vBulletin! What a message board should be!

      vBulletin 3.x was great. vBulletin 4.x and vBulletin 5 are complete rubbish. InternetBrands bought out vBulletin and ran off all the good developers and then sued them for daring to write XenForo. Fortunately that lawsuit was finally settled last month and XenForo were victorious.

      Unfortunately the implementation by SOE of XenForo turned off a bunch of cool features and adopted a very restrictive and visually distracting style. It’s sad as someone who has administrated forums for 12 years to see some of the policies and decisions being made. XenForo is still in its infancy, but it’s not nearly as crippled as it’s been implemented here.

      I’d say they should hire you . . . but I’d be afraid they’d corrupt you and you’d put out the same “FINE” work they’ve been doing for years . . .

      I’d be in meetings all day and we’d still be trying to get EQ2U launched. 🙁

    1. Congrats!
      French board is missing all special characters aka: éèàçùêô for the most used

      And that would be the consequence of setting the charset globally to UTF8. 🙁

      The characters are correct on the French boards if you force Latin rendering.

      I will see if I can fix the UTF8 quotes mentioned by uberfuzzy another way.

  5. I’d be in meetings all day and we’d still be trying to get EQ2U launched. 🙁

    My point exactly, Feldon . . . my point exactly. Thank you for all that you do.

    Bureaucracy: The mortal fear that someone, somewhere, is working efficiently and without our permission.

  6. Feldon would get hired, pull out all his hair from the frustration, and then be transferred to EQNext or worse, and we would never see him again.

    Glad you are sticking to your independent spirit, Feldon!

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