12 thoughts on “Thanksgiving: Double XP Weekend, Black Friday Sale

  1. Gorgonheart, not all “Double XP Weekends” are actually 100% Bonus XP, more are really just a boost but lately they’ve been doing +100% XP making a true “double” xp weekend and not just bonus xp weekend.

  2. “What’s the difference between “true Double XP” and “normal Double XP”?”

    Normally we get “Bonus XP” which is usually in the neighborhood of +50% or so. This is a +100% bonus which is one of the very few tiems we have ever gotten an actual “Double XP” promotion. It also applies to Adventure XP, AA XP, and Tradeskill XP.

  3. They’ve all been “true double” for a fair while now. Perhaps because every time prior, when it wasn’t +100%, huge numbers of players called it ‘double’ anyway and then the people who listened to them got upset when it turned out not to be true. 😛

  4. Yeah, SOE made a decision at least a year ago to make all double xp weekends true double xp weekends. Now, the only question is ever if guild status is doubled also, (it is not this time, and it’s pretty rare that they add this in)

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