4 thoughts on “EQ2 ZAM Chat concludes

  1. I’d be happy to take questions through you, Feldon 🙂 In the meantime, here’s some stats for y’all.

    When we started the chat today we had 55 questions submitted in advance, not counting the 20 or so LoN questions that I boiled down to three and asked at the beginning of the chat (which I don’t usually do, by the way, but I didn’t want to waste time asking the same thing over and over again). By the end of the chat Raven had over 150 questions. There’s just not enough time to get to them all.

    Of the 56 questions we had time to present to the devs, 40 got answered (not counting the obligatory fluff question). For comparison, the very first chat I did back in June of 2007 we were getting maybe 1 question in 5 answered. 20% then, 71% now – I think it says a lot for both the devs and the players.

    If we didn’t get to you, I’m really sorry. Best I can advise is when you see the announcements go up, get your questions in via email.

  2. My wife and I play on Venekor, soon to be Nagafen, and questing and tradeskilling is becoming extremely hard for ourselves and guild members when we don’t necessarily want to PVP 24/7 of our online time. Are there any considerations devs are considering to help eleviate hot zones like Teren’s Grasp, which used to be frequented mainly by TSers doing writs, but is now considered gank city by many? As much as I like PVP, the game is becoming less Everquest and more Everkill. Or should I say Overkill?

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