6 thoughts on “EverQuest II: Free-to-Play Webcast Video & EQ2Players Soon!

  1. So, once again the bazaar server gets screwed. First, they got screwed by dumping live gamer on us, a company that destroyed the economy before it even got started, by having a delayed launch of its website… Then they locked us on a dying server, and finally when the population gets so low they decide its not worth the money to keep it running, they move us to the worst of all servers (freeport) AND to add insult to injury, do not give a free character transfer token.

  2. Freeport has a robust population with a variety of play styles and a large population. Albeit, younger high end raiding guilds due to being created in 2010 (still very talented). That being said there a ton of open, welcoming and committed “gold” members who moved to Freeport from live servers. Additional, there are those who played before came back to try free to play and enjoyed and became gold members and are committed to playing. So, we (freeport server) have those “converts” as well. Lastly, we have players who have been and hovered between “silver” and “gold” and able to level to 90 and be effective! Plus, who doesn’t love wanding their way through a dungeon. Laments: good-bye beloved wand of obliteration…for now.

    So, imho, bazaar looses nothing but exchange service and get blended with a bustling large population server. Which oh btw, now become just like every other server. Capable of cross server battlegrounds and cross server dungeon finder(ETA unknown). Oh, and now that we all have one central soe forum the better, and one central eq2players website. Well, whenever all that comes. 🙂

  3. Why are you bitching @blueberry? SOE killed Bazaar a long time ago because of the stupid exchange its about time they got rid of LG and are now merging us making us a normal server like everyone else, it took long enough. I am very happy, I am from Shadowhaven, I did not even know what exchange was when I joined that server then they merged us into Bazaar and freaking stuck there for eternity, who cares what server we get moved to at least we can now transfer(which was not an option before) if we dont like it, FINALLY!!!!.

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