16 thoughts on “EverQuest II 10 Year Veteran Reward – Mercs!

    1. More than enough stupid houses…mercs are a decent choice, they have too many houses already no need for more. Mercs are a big part of the game, especially for people that like to play alts. I think the merc is a good idea.

  1. I suppose it depends on what they do and how stupid their ai is as to how helpful they are. Sadly we’re already to the point where if you need a healer merc only one really works very well.

  2. From the pics I would guess SK and Pally, but it doesn’t seem quite fair to only have tank mercs available.

    It’s all well and good if you play a healer class, but if you already play tank a healer merc would be nice.

  3. I’d been making suggestions for the 10 year anniversary for a couple years. (Colony island as a house, the original griffon as a mount, a spirit shard house item, stuff that actually had some significance from the first years of the game, ya know?)
    Instead we get an add, basically saying “if you haven’t already bought AoD or the merc pack, buy it for your self for the 10th adversary, k?” Know how well that would go over in a relationship? Lets just say things might be getting thrown at the guy.
    And from what I’ve heard, the mercs are tanks. :\ Dunno bout you all, but i have yet to find a tank merc that can hold aggro. >..< we'll see though. Maybe there is still some hope? maybe?….

  4. Royally disappointed at the reward. 10 year is a milestone no matter what you do and to get 2 tanks is just not thought out well at all. I am a tank, what could i possibly use a paladin/sk for? Not that i need a merc to begin with but at least give us a choice if this is the best you can come up with SOE 🙁

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