22 thoughts on “Freeport (EQ2X) Server Completes Spire Rebuilding in ~17 Hours

  1. ON Guk the ew spires were completed over and hour ago. The gd spires are at 39% I expect total completion by the end of the night.

    LoL so much for its not going to take long to complete it.

  2. I love Domino’s comment. So lighthearted. It should be, “Oh shit, we still didn’t fix it right!” I love how AB and Freeport got screwed last week because 18 hours was simply too fast. So 12 hours after the event started? 12 hours from 50%, so we’ll say 24 hours if averaged. That six extra hours to complete was acceptable? Wait Domino, what about all that talk about intending it to take several days to complete so more people could participate? These devs prove time and time again that they 1) have no clue what they are doing and 2) do no deserve the jobs they have nor the money we pay them.

  3. Everfrost at 99%. Gninja is on the server chatting with folks.

    I’ve been able to run the Raid (50 tokens) a few times on Spires. I can see why so many people are participating. It’s an easy Primal Velium Shard.

  4. o yea they also said there would be plenty of ADVANCED WARNING about the event being turned back on and all they gave us was about a days notice that it would be turned on LATE friday evening.. what a joke..

  5. So one instance of Great Divide completes it… and it despawns in the rest and those instances don’t get credit.

    Make sure you ride on the premier raiding guilds’ coattails!

    (Yes, I’m bitter. Why couldn’t I have enjoyed Rift and given SOE the finger?)

  6. They screwed up at the moment they offered current teir heroic tokens for doing a world-progression event.

    Of course people were going to go crazy and live on-line until they stopped being available.
    Especially as the last time they handed out free tokens (TSO grey instance shardruns) they only patched it out after the shards were no longer useful, letting those that started early get hundreds of free shards without difficulty, while prevening any new players from getting any.

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