5 thoughts on “SOE Podcast #115 Reveals Game Update 61 “War of Zek” Details and Date– August 23rd

  1. SmokeJumper: Although I can say that EverQuest II will never be a 2D flash game.

    Brasse: (laughs) But what if we put it on mobile devices?

    SmokeJumper: (I’m talking) EverQuest II.

    Interesting implications for EQNext? Another future project?

    Amazing the gems that don’t grab the headlines…

  2. Feldon, I know I can get the link elsewhere but can you provide a link to the podcast here in this commentary? If it’s already here and I missed it, I apologize and ignore this comment.

  3. Also wonder if the “Velious Dungeon Rare Encounters — All current Velious group dungeon zones now have a 25% chance to include an all new named encounter.” is like the SF dungeon rares to where the 25% chance to spawn is more like a 5% chance to spawn? Heh.

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