15 thoughts on “KILTS!

  1. With all the problems plaguing EQ2. They chose to spend time making kilts??? I’ve been to Edinburgh…besides for the scotch, it’s not that great! Why are our design developers wasting time on kilts when they could be improving the quality and variety of loot drops in DoV?

  2. That’s got to the the UGLIEST clothing addition SOE has ever made. If you value your eyes please do not put the kilt outfit on SC onto an Iksar, my eyes still burn. For the poster who asked why create kilts instead of working on loot drops it’s because kilts cost money/SC.

  3. On and off for 18 months?

    You have got to be kidding me!

    They have better hire better employees. There’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to finish this crap in a week or two.

    And yes, I have 3d modeling/texturing/rendering/rigging experience.

  4. The emphasis on this useless cashshop content is the reason why I’m quitting this game and taking a few friends with me. Waste of time. They can add in useless appearance items, but they can’t fix i.e. broken raid drops with incorrect stats, skills like LB/Plaguebringer that overwrite each other wiht multiple Locks/Necros in raid, etc.

  5. anyone else notice the front of it seems to fade out some in the middle an looks worn out there? or is my graphics making it look that way? and there is no new content tbh 🙁
    I was sooo excited on release of DOV, after reading some of the lore stuff like about the claymore and all the rumors flying around saying we needed claymore for a new mythical, every one was in the old zones doing the claymore lol, then we got this signature quest ( the fallen swords) woot everyone buzzing excited that we were out questing, doing instances, ect, for a reason…. but in the end.. wasnt the great new mythical all hoped for and wasnt even a great item… let down and bored again sitting in guild hall without anything to do but farm plats 🙁 bahhhhhh! hehe

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