* fan-made logo From the EQ2 Forums: THE SIEGE OF ZEK The Orcish Wastes have been invaded! The Green Hood and Deathfist clan have been routed by a new breed of orc, The Scourge, who are preparing their armies to advance beyond the wastes. They must be stopped, or Norrath will be ruled by the tyrants of The Hounds of War! Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]: Story Progressed Heroic Overland Zone Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Solo]: Story Progressed Solo Overland Zone Signature Quests – Special quests for max level Adventure players! Check your mail for how to get started!...
Game Updates & Maintenance
Game Update 100 “The Scourged Wastes” has been under invite-only beta for the last three weeks and tonight it will hit the Test server to allow for a bit of public testing prior to its April 28th launch. Bugs should be reported on the EverQuest II Bug Tracker. The full Test Update Notes can be read here, but we’re going to cherry pick a few interesting points… This update is heading to test later tonight, ETA ~10pm PST. GENERAL GU 100 is now available on Test server. Level 100 players should expect to receive an in game mail directing...
From Chris “Chrol” Garlick on the EQ2 Forums: Timed treasure hunts return for GU100 – this time in Zek, the Scourge Wastes! Search the solo version of the Wastes for the solo level timed treasure hunts, or bring friends to the heroic wastes and take your chances with the heroic level timed treasure hunts. But be forewarned – the heroic versions of these quests are tough, and time won’t be on your side! You’ll be rewarded for your efforts! Completing the heroic level timed treasure hunts grants a dirty key that has a chance of rewarding a more valuable key when...
As of 9:00am PDT this morning, the consolidation of the Splitpaw, Storms (FR), and Valor (DE) servers is under way. The newly combined server, Thurgadin, will be an English language EQ2 server operating out of the Level 3 datacenter in Amsterdam. While chat in French and German will be possible, no translations of Quests, Items, Recipes, Spells, etc. will be available. The maintenance is expected to last 24 hours. The detailed announcement can be read here: Server Consolidation: Splitpaw, Storms, & Valor – Monday, April 18 @ 9AM PDT
From Laylaih, Communications Coordinator, on the EQ2 Forums: We’re getting even closer to the members-only launch of GU 100 on Thursday, April 28, 2016. If you haven’t seen our other preview articles yet, make sure you catch up on everything that’s been unveiled so far: The Island of Zek Scourge Wastes Fabled Zones Scourge Keep (Raids) Experience Vials And now, we’re going to talk about Collections & Heritage Collections! From Kyle “Kander” Vallee on the EQ2 Forums: For GU 100, we will have over 40 new collections for you to seek, spread throughout all of the new content in the update, including both solo and heroic versions of Zek, the...
Players have been reporting issues with trying to login to the Antonia Bayle server since last night yesterday morning. Specifically, their Antonia Bayle-based characters are missing from the Character Select screen, or they are dropped when zoning. We’ll update when we have more information. As of 7:00pm PDT, issues continue with players unable to Zone or login all their Antonia Bayle characters. Update as of April 16th: This issue seems to have returned as players are reporting it again. At 10:21am PDT on April 15th RadarX posted: We’re still working on this issue and don’t have an ETA at this time....
From Dexella on the EQ2 Forums: The launch of GU 100 is just around the corner! So far, we’ve unveiled The Island of Zek Scourge Wastes, the new Fabled Zones, and the raids in Scourge Keep. Today, to get you ready for the anticipated Thursday, April 28th launch, we’re going to introduce you to the new Experience Vial system! While the content for GU 100 will be released only to All Access Members, this new Experience Vial system is accessible in the Marketplace and usable by all players! Who will you share your experience with first? Want to get your hands on everything GU 100? Then become a member! Find out more...
From the EQ2 Forums: STORMHOLD The travel bells in Greater Faydark and Sinking Sands are now restricted to the city zones, Antonica,and Commonlands. POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Antechamber of Fate Adds in the Cheldrak encounter should no longer break with a full raid force. Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] Overwhelming Azure Light and Overwhelming Golden Light should no longer trigger a failure condition if the respective Captain is defeated before it wears off.
From the EQ2 Forums: Attention players: we will perform a general maintenance beginning at 3:00AM PDT* on Tuesday, April 12th. The amount of downtime may vary, depending on the service. If the downtime extends beyond six hours, we will update this thread. This maintenance may impact the following Daybreak services across all games: Game logins for all Daybreak games Forum & Web logins for all Daybreak games Commerce and account management for all Daybreak games PLEASE NOTE: This is not a game-specific maintenance. There will be no update or patch notes. Thank you for your patience as we complete this maintenance. Time Zone Conversions...
From the EQ2 Forums: Splitpaw, Storms, and Valor servers are being consolidated into a new server named Thurgadin. The server consolidation will start on Monday, April 18, 2016 at 9AM PDT (17:00 CEDT). This downtime is expected to take 24 hours, and Thurgadin is scheduled to unlock to players at Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 9AM PDT (17:00 CEDT). Important Notes for Players: Players should pick up No-Trade items from shared housing (such as Guild Halls) BEFORE this downtime. This will prevent losing ownership of placed items during server consolidation. When the consolidation is complete on Tuesday, players should delete their “logincache-eu” folder or else LaunchPad...
Two pieces of news from yesterday and today. From Gninja on the EQ2 Forums: We are looking into the issue. For now we have locked the BG server so no more folks get stuck loading. If you have a character stuck send me a Private message with server/character name and I can see what I can do. Meanwhile Roshen has an update about delays in Krono redemption… Hello all, We’re aware of an issue with krono purchases, which is causing long delays between when a purchase is made and when krono is delivered. It seems like krono delivery is currently...
Tomorrow morning, the Echoes of Faydwer expansion is unlocked on the Stormhold Time-Locked Expansion server. The update includes some other TLE-related items. From the EQ2 Forums: STORMHOLD Echoes of Faydwer has been activated with this update! POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Tenebrous Tangle The Droag Liftfinger in the Hurricanus encounter should no longer break encounter causing failure conditions to trigger. ACHIEVEMENTS Flawless: Sevalak of Storms’ Demise should now update correctly. Flawless: Ikatiar’s Demise (Challenge) should now update correctly. Shorthanded: Ikatiar’s Demise (Challenge) should now update correctly. Ikatiar’s Demise (Challenge) should now update correctly. Vanlith should now properly award achievements when defeated....
From Laylaih on the EQ2 Forums: We’re getting close to the launch of GU 100! This Members-Only content is planned to be released on Thursday, April 28th, and we’re continuing to preview the exciting new and updated content that will be available in it. If you missed the first two, you can read them here and here. Now it’s time to venture in to Scourge Keep! From Chris “Chrol” Garlick on the EQ2 Forums: Deathfist Citadel. It was once the stronghold of the great orc emperor, Fyst, and his savage Deathfist clan, who held sway over all the lands known as Zek, the Orcish Wastes. But...
The Time-Locked Expansion servers Deathtoll and Stormhold will come down tomorrow morning in order to merge Deathtoll with it’s PvE-only sister server Stormhold. Time Zone Conversions PDT: April 5 @ 2:00am – 2:00pm EDT: April 5 @ 5:00am – 5:00pm BST: April 5 @ 10:00 – 22:00 CEST: April 5 @ 11:00 – 23:00 Here’s the official announcement from the EQ2 Forums: Both Splitpaw and Deathtoll servers will come down for maintenance beginning at 2:00 AM PT (9:00 AM GMT) for an update to merge servers as mentioned here. Downtime is anticipated to be at least 12 hours to perform this operation. Commentary After...
NOTE: Contains no EverQuest II content. If you just can’t get enough lore and you’ve never read the EverQuest Next stories, we’re providing links to them below. These are in chronogical order from and after the Age of Empire and during the Age of Exile. Also included is the Lords of EverQuest comic by Michael Turner. The comic was presumably created for the single-player game of the same name released in 2003.
From Carlos “Gninja” Mora on the EQ2 Forums: Remember going into Ruins of Varsoon and making that leap into one of the side tunnels? Lace up your boots, as this is one of the zones we are giving the “Fabled” treatment this time around. The dungeon will be leveled up to current content of level 95+ and given new and exciting loot to chase. Chamber of Immortality, Temple of Cazic-Thule, and Sanctum of Fear are also being made available as “Fabled” versions. This new content should have some of your favorite parts of the dungeons made appropriate for the most seasoned adventurers. Even Venekor himself...
From the EQ2 Forums: Attention players: we will perform a general maintenance beginning at 5:00AM PDT* on Thursday, March 31st. The amount of downtime may vary, depending on the service. If the downtime extends beyond four hours, we will update this thread. This maintenance may impact the following Daybreak services across all games: Game logins for all Daybreak games Forum & Web logins for all Daybreak games Commerce and account management for all Daybreak games PLEASE NOTE: This is not a game-specific maintenance. There will be no update or patch notes. Thank you for your patience as we complete this...
The Amsterdam-based Splitpaw server will come down this afternoon in order to merge with the Russian servers Barren Sky (PvE) and Harla Dar (PvP). Time Zone Conversions PDT: March 30 @ 2:00pm – March 31 @ 2:00am BST: March 30 @ 22:00 – March 31 @ 12:00 CEDT: March 30 @ 23:00 – March 31 @ 13:00 MSK: March 31 @ 0:00 – March 31 @ 12:00 Here’s the official announcement from the EQ2 Forums: The Splitpaw server will come down for maintenance beginning at 2:00 PM PT (9:00 PM GMT) for an update to merge servers as mentioned here. Downtime...
From the EQ2 Forums: GENERAL Changed the time between changing your last name from 7 days to 15 minutes. Fixed the /namingpolicy command to show the proper webpage. Language You can now enable multi language fonts on your client. Open options, and go to User Interface, Game Windows, Multi Language Fonts. NOTE: you will need to restart your client for the changes to take effect. Doing this will switch the default fonts to ones that support multiple languages like Russian and Japanese. You can now enable or disable your cl_allow_ime setting in your eq2.ini file. Currently, only players wishing...
From Content & Social Media Manager Dexella: On Thursday, April 28, EverQuest II will be launching GU 100! This members-only content, designed for highest-level players, will include new zones, content, features, and items. Today, we’re going to journey into the first new zone: Zek, the Scourge Wastes! From EQ2 Senior Designer Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall on EverQuest2.com and the EQ2 Forums: Ravaged by the horrors of war, the vast majority of the island of Zek has been unsuitable for habitation by anyone, ever since the Deathfist clan of orcs took control of the entirety of the island. They reduced the once-sprawling Jaggedpine Forest to...
It seems the difference in Daylight Savings Time between the US (which started DST on March 13) and the rest of the Western World (which starts on March 27) has thrown off the calculations in the official announcement, but we’ve got the correct times above. We have update notes as of 8:37am PDT: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] Adds in the Captains encounter should now despawn when the respective captain is defeated. ITEMS Animate Core, Obsidian Earrings, Magma Rune and Molten Shard will now correctly add to the Terror of Thalumbra item set. Corrected a...
Yesterday’s EverQuest II Spring Update Livestream is now viewable on YouTube. You can learn about Zek, The Scourged Wastes, the new Signature quest, the three heroic instances, and the x4 raid zone all coming on April 28th. From the EverQuest II YouTube channel:
From the EQ2 Forums: If you were tuned in to the livestream, you just heard some HUGE news about upcoming updates to EverQuest II! Well, we’ve got even more good news coming your way… this week is another BONUS WEEK in Norrath! What does that mean? From 12:00PM PDT on Tuesday, March 15 through 12:00PM PDT on Tuesday, March 22, the following will be available: DOUBLE XP (Adventure, Tradeskill, and AA) for Members 25% Off Sale On Consumables/Experience items and all “Services” items in the Marketplace 2 for 1 Heroic Character Bundles for 5000 DBC* *Please note: Heroic Characters cannot be used...
We liveblogged today’s EverQuest II Spring Update Livestream on Twitch… EQ/EQ2/Landmark Executive Producer Holly “Windstalker” Longdale, Lead Designer Kyle “Kander” Vallee, Senior Designer Carlos “Gninja” Mora, Senior Designer Chris “Chrol” Garlick, Designer/Systems Robert “Caith” Fouts, and Community Manager Ry “Roshen” Schuller presented a livestream today. The new Spring Update — Game Update 100 (what happened to GU72?), becomes available to All Access subscribers on Thursday, April 28th. You’ll need membership to play any of the content and to use the items. Beta starts April 4th. The content starts in a version of the overland Zek known as Zek — the...
EverQuest II has tweeted a reminder that the Spring Update Livestream will be going live in about 45 minutes. We will be liveblogging the event. Our spring update livestream starts in about an hour! Will YOU join us at 11AM PDT today? https://t.co/KcDFNmI39b — EverQuest II (@everquestii) March 15, 2016