3 thoughts on “EverQuest II Behind the Scenes: “Storm Tower” Prestige Home

  1. Is it just me or does this remind anyone else of….

    “…Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my Magic Sword and said “BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!!”
    My scaredy-cat stammering feline warder crouching in terror became the Mighty Battle Cat and I became Uberlord… the most powerful Beastlord in Norrath!

    I have to say it DOES look quite cool though..I want one:)

  2. Well I’ve already commented about bugs and broken content versus fluff many times and last time I did, I was accused of being a “”moron”” for it. So I thought what the Hell… this time I will welcome the latest ploy to distract folks from the stuff that’s broke ((for the sake of making more cash)) just for parity and see if anyone bites….:)
    But I do agree with you Electri.

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