From the EQ2 Forums:
- The Kunark Ascending Beta will be available at 12PM PST on 10/11/2016. Participation in the beta will allow players to earn rewards that can be /claimed on live server!
- Corrected an issue with Mindbender’s, Elementalist’s, Mesmerizer’s, Graverobber’s, Despoiler’s, and Evoker’s Symbols that made them pretend to be weapons, and thus unusable by casters.
- Fixed a bug preventing some level 100 boost ranged items from using the correct ammo.
- Mistress Zhvari’s Sash of Station and Mistress Zhvari’s Girdle of Station now are flagged as Fabled, and are to be more competitive with other end game belts. They now have 5 resolve and 10 Fervor.
- Corrected more Kunark era items that had low DPS mod.
- Corrected an issue with Pet Illusion: patchcraft spiderlings that prevented them from applying their pet illusion in some cases.
When the game client is started it reads various appearance related files into memory (from the app_cache files) into an appearance cache. To improve the visual quality of the game we need to add more art assets, which increases our memory footprint. This can cause issues for various users depending on their hardware setup and if they are running multiple programs, etc..
Players will now be able to use the client cvar “cl_use_app_cache 0” to turn off this appearance cache. This means all appearance assets normally read into memory will now be read directly from the hard drive as needed.
Enabling this setting will sacrifice performance for a smaller memory footprint and allow many players currently crashing (due to hitting memory limits) to enter into areas they could not before. In some cases these memory limits were even preventing login.
- 1. Create “eq2.ini” file in root install directory, if you don’t already have one there.
- 2. Add this line to the ini file and save it, “cl_use_app_cache 0”