From Emily “Domino” Taylor on the EQ2 Forums: The City of Maldura is an ancient dwarven outpost that predates even Kaladim. Over the centuries it has grown into an imposing citadel whose fortifications have repelled many assaults from the outside. However, in more recent years a threat that is neither living nor undead has begun to emerge in the deep sublevels. Relentless, furious, and almost unstoppable, the immolated have no mercy and cannot be controlled by any known type of magic. The worried residents of Maldura have been forced to seal off entire areas of the city to contain...
Month: October 2015
From Dexella on the EQ2 Forums: How’s everyone enjoying the FALL FRENZY? We’ve got another bonus for All Access members this weekend! From 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Friday, October 16 through 12:00PM (Noon) PDT on Sunday, October 18, All Access Members can get DOUBLE STATUS. The bonus will be available on all servers (including TLEs). Hop into game and enjoy the bonus! Remember, Fall Frenzy is leading up to Terrors of Thalumbra. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? NOTE: This is, in effect, Double Guild XP.
From Emily “Domino” Taylor on the EQ2 Forums: In the Terrors of Thalumbra expansion, crafters who have reached tradeskill level 100 will receive a letter from Captain Ethan of the Far Seas Trading Company. You’ve assisted him in the past, and he’d like your assistance once again as the FSTC investigates reports of strange elemental attacks that have been occurring all around Norrath. Where did these elementals come from, and why do they appear to have mechanical parts inside them, made of a type of ore you’ve never seen? Your investigation will bring you in contact with old friends and new,...
Some people aren’t the slightest bit interested in what’s going on with Daybreak’s new offices or what kind of fun or silliness the EQ2 team had yesterday. They want to know when the heck the server mergers and expansion beta are happening and have no patience for anything else. If that’s you, then you’re not the target audience for this update… Yesterday was the EverQuest II team’s big moving day from the buildings SOE has rented for nearly two decades to its brand new built-to-order digs across town. After a week of silence on the EQ2 forums, yesterday held...
From the EQ2 Forums: How about some weekday BONUS EXPERIENCE for our All-Access members? The +100% experience bonus for Adventure, Tradeskill and AA XP will turn on at noon PDT* on Monday, October 12, 2015and run until noon PDT on Friday, October 16, 2015! Bonus XP will be available for All Access members on all traditional servers. While the bonus will not be available on Stormhold and Deathtoll, there are still exciting adventures awaiting All Access members on those special servers. Remember, you must be a member to access Time-Locked Expansion servers. Not currently an All-Access member? Now’s the time to sign up!
From Deep underneath Norrath lies a realm, on the edge of the Plane of the Underfoot, known as Thalumbra. Though long thought of as the domain of Brell Serilis, unlucky explorers and inexperienced spelunkers quickly find the denizens of below are not limited to those of his creation. This expansive, subterranean kingdom is home to fabled races, and ancient, unimaginable terrors, including Aberrants, poxfiends, fathomlurkers and cepholex! Here, under innumerable layers of stone, their eternal struggle to survive has shaped them, forcing them to develop sophisticated weapons or intricate defenses.
From EQ2 Community Manager Roshen on the EQ2 Forums: Hey all, We’re still working on getting everything ready for server consolidations, and we wanted to give everyone a quick update. Our first merge will be Crushbone, Butcherblock, and Oasis into Maj’Dul. This won’t be ready for next week. The soonest this will be ready will be the week of October 19, and we’ll keep everyone updated as we know more. We’re also working to time this with the launch of the Terrors of Thalumbra beta server. While we’re still working on optimizing the server consolidation process to minimize downtime, there will...
This morning, the Desert of Flames expansion was expected to go live on the Time-Locked Expansion servers of Deathtoll (PvP) and Stormhold (PvE). However things did not go according to plan. Desert of Flames didn’t activate and some players cashed in Collections but did not receive any XP for doing so. Windstalker and the EQ2 team did provide frequent in-game updates to players on the TLE servers about what was going on, notifying them of a server bounce at 9:30am which resolved the issue. Roshen also provided this update about 90 minutes ago: Stormhold and Deathtoll are coming back up...
After numerous signs that the anxiously awaited EQ2 US Server Mergers were imminent, including characters showing up on the Character Select screen as being on Maj’dul, Item Discoveries on EQ2U showing up from Maj’dul, and numerous players being unable to login due to “Too Many Characters” errors, it looks like those server mergers are being pushed back a little further. From Holly “Windstalker” Longdale on Twitter: For the merges in #eq2 we are working on optimizing to lessen downtime. No merges this week while we test. Will post more later on forums. — Holly Longdale (@TheWindstalker) October 8, 2015...
Nights of the Dead is creeping into Norrath, and this year the merchants will be stocked up with new goodies (which Niami has pictures of over on EQ2 Traders) and costume illusions. Previous quest content and achievements make their return, and crafters now have a new recipe book to spook their house guests with. There are no new quests, collections, or achievements this year. The event runs from 12:01am PT on Thursday, October 8, 2015 (3:01am ET) and concludes at 11:59pm PT on Monday, November 2, 2015 (2:59am ET on Nov 3rd). TLE servers are excluded from world events....
From Roshen on the EQ2 Forums: Are you ready to explore the first expansion, Desert of Flames, on the Time-Locked Expansion Servers? Players on both servers have voted to unlock this expansion, and this content will unlock on Stormhold and Deathtoll on Thursday, October 8, 2015! Both Stormhold and Deathtoll will have a short downtime starting at 7AM PDT on Thursday, October 8. We anticipate that this downtime will be less than one hour. Once this downtime is complete, the following will be available on these servers: Adventure, Crafting and Guild Levels will go to 60 Ability mod will become available on items...
Note: No EQ/EQ2 Content From Hello Players, Partners, & Friends! It’s been an eventful few months for us here at Daybreak and since our last update, we have been working diligently on our plans for fall and beyond. We wanted to take a moment to share some of these updates with you.
elf image courtesy grillghod On Sunday, October 4th, I hosted my first Twitch livestream, talking about Daybreak Games‘ awesome Census API service and how it empowers EverQuest II, DC Universe Online, and PlanetSide 2 fans to create powerful and dynamic websites and mobile apps. This month marks the four year anniversary of Daybreak Games offering nearly unfettered access to rapidly updated static and dynamic data from its games. The depth and quality of this information is unparalleled and possibly unique in the industry. This livestream is rather Technical in nature and lays the foundation of how to request EQ2...
From the EQ2 Forums: ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT Guardian Corrected an issue that prevented Sentry Watch from triggering. QUESTS Reel ‘Em In, Spinal Tap and Stegodon Savior will now reward the appropriate amount of extra Ferrin. PLAYER HOUSING Estate of Unrest homes now allow mounts.
When Sony Online Entertainment became Daybreak Games in February, the 30-day/2000SC StationCash cards were discontinued and went out of production. Next week, the replacement DaybreakCash cards will be reaching retail stores. Interestingly, the new cards come in $25 and $50 denominations. The snazzy new DaybreakCash website is a little vague on how these cards work for All Access subscription time. Fortunately we’ve learned through followup posts by Dexella that these new cards can redeemed for 30-day All Access subscriptions, DaybreakCash, or a mixture of the two. It will be interesting to see exactly how granular this control is (can a $25 card...
It’s hard to believe this month marks four years that the EQ2 Census service has been in continuous operation. Over that time, there have been just a handful of EQ2 websites that use the service, including Roster Master, EQ2 Mission, Dragon’s Armory and our own EQ2U. However Daybreak’s generous offer of this data was always intended for anyone who was interested in data analysis, or the building of websites and mobile apps. By comparison, DCUO and PlanetSide 2 each have over a dozen websites and mobile apps leveraging this data. Tomorrow, October 4th, I’ll be hosting a webcast on Twitch...
Yesterday’s livestream reveal of EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion — The Terrors of Thalumbra — is now available for watching on Youtube! The video was removed and a new livestream recorded.
From Dexella on the EQ2 Forums: There’s a chill in the air that can only mean one thing… Night of the Dead is about to return to Norrath! To prepare yourself for the arrival of ghould and ghosts, peruse the new spooky delights available in the in-game Marketplace! Here are just a few of the items available to get your in the spirit of things: Personal Estate of Unrest Who would dare reside in such a place? And what sort of horrors might be waiting in the rooms within? Find out by purchasing this Personal Estate of Unrest! Those...
Today’s Terrors of Thalumbra Twitch livestream included a ton of information about EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion, including what you get for the Standard, Collector’s and Premium editions. However it didn’t give us that all-important bullet-point list of the number of Zones, Quests, and other Details that players seek. EQ2 Community Manager Roshen has responded to this call and posted a Terrors of Thalumbra Expansion Pre-Order thread which fills in the details of what we can expect when the expansion goes live on November 17th. We’ve also updated our Pre-Order article with this information.
From the EQ2 Forums: Ghosts and goblins, pumpkins and poltergeists, bats and broomsticks… it’s Halloween time here at Daybreak! We’ve got special themed in-game activities, new Marketplace treats, and a chance to win some Daybreak Cash – no tricks! Daybreak Halloween Promotion: $25 Daybreak Cash Card Giveaway! New Daybreak game cards will be hitting the shelves of U.S. retailers this month, and we want to give some away! We’ll randomly select ten (10) winners to each receive a $25 Daybreak Cash Card. Here’s what you need to do:
In the leadup to EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion Terrors of Thalumbra, a “Fall Frenzy” program is running with various bonuses. From Dexella on the EQ2 Forums: This Fall Frenzy event is so exciting, it’s going to last TEN DAYS! During the weeks leading up to the launch of Terrors of Thalumbra, we have something planned every week for you, our loyal players. This week we’re stretching out a bit longer than normal to give you extra time to enjoy the benefit. From 12:00PM PDT (noon)* on Friday, October 2 through 12:00PM PDT (noon) on Monday, October 12, enjoy DOUBLE GUILD XP! Don’t miss this opportunity...
After putting it off for two months, EverQuest II’s Time-Locked Expansion servers of Stormhold (PvE) and Deathtoll (PvP) have both voted to unlock the Desert of Flames expansion on these servers. From the EQ2 Forums: In this vote (unlike last month), both Deathtoll and Stormhold players said “Yes” to unlocking the Desert of Flames expansion. We will unlock the expansion next Thursday, Oct. 8 at Noon PDT. Thanks for voting all! Holly “Windstalker” Longdale Executive Producer, EQ & EQ2 Later she added: The voting squeaked by the 2/3 rule — and not by a lot. We weren’t sure there...
The website has just been refreshed and EverQuest II’s twelfth expansion is now available for pre-order. Beta will begin in late October , while the official launch date of the expansion is Tuesday, November 17th. The expansion offers 13 new Heroic zones, a massive subterranean overland zone, four raid zones (including a x2 raid), over 80 quests including both Solo and Tradeskill Signature lines, 50 collections, as well as the new multi-Deity system, Item Infusion system, Best-in-slot Relic items, and more.
The EverQuest II Expansion 12 livestream will be starting shortly on and we will be liveblogging it. On the panel will be Holly “Windstalker” Longdale Executive Producer of EQ/EQ2, Ry “Roshen” Schuller Community Manager of EQ2, Robert “Caith” Fouts Systems Designer, Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall Senior Designer, Tim “Haohmaru” Heydelaar Art Director EQ/EQ2, Carlos “Gninja” Mora Senior Designer, and Emily “Domino” Taylor Tradeskill Goddess. Kyle “Kander” Vallee Lead Designer of EQ2 is in Belgium, a trip he booked months prior to a sudden schedule change by Marketing. Some relevant quotes from the chat: Windstalker: We will have an update on...
EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra is being revealed today and there’s a Nights of the Dead contest happening at the same time! From We’re getting ready to launch the 12th expansion of EverQuest II, AND Nights of the Dead is just around the corner. In honor of these two big events, we’re giving away NotD-themed in-game items! DATES & ELIGIBILITY Start :October 01, 2015 @ 10:00 am (US/Pacific) End :October 02, 2015 @ 12:00 pm (US/Pacific) Eligibility :18 years PRIZES DGC will randomly select two (2) winners to receive: One (1) Bat Mask (Approximate Retail Value = US $4.00)...