11 thoughts on “SOE Live Schedule Updated

  1. It was cheaper to fly on Tuesdays, and we wanted a few extra days for vacation, so we will be there for Sunday (We’ll be there Tuesday-Tuesday), and other than the Dev Brunch, we’ll probably hit all the panels listed. We decided the Dev Brunch was too expensive for two people.

  2. I leave Monday afternoon, same as last year…. saw too many people disappointed last year, not realizing they were missing stuff on Sunday when they made flight plans, so hoping more planned ahead this time already anyway.

  3. Sounds good.
    I know Christy and I are there at least until Monday (she’s my awesome personal travel agent), and we’ve all gotta eat!
    Please not the PH buffet though. It may be voted #1 in Vegas, but I don’t think the voters were on my page.
    Mr. Feldon, party of 50, your tables are ready. 😀

  4. I was kind of hoping that they had dropped the word “Everquest” from the Everquest NOT! thingy and started calling it NEXT! or maybe dropped the whole Eve in tights thing entirely. Oh well never mind.

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