5 thoughts on “Update Notes: Tuesday, March 4, 2014

  1. I hope by now people are getting the sense that Georgeson’s announcement of the 31st Jan was indeed stating that they were going to deliver less content although he managed to phrase it in a way that sounded like “more content”.

  2. I would give them a while to see how this pans out rather then immediately jumping to the cynical view.

    Not that they haven’t given lots of reasons to be cynical previously. But really let’s give them half a chance on this.

  3. Three shots, three failures. How many chances do you want to give them? The Warzone had half a chance at being good if they had come through with their promise of allowing player copies to Nagafen. But in true SOE fashion they failed to deliver. Whaddya bet the copy functionality is brought out as another weekly feature down the road?

  4. Well, technically I consider the resources spent on pvp to be not in my interests so I don’t really have much of an opinion there. From your comment though it seems as though they have at least made progress toward something that you would enjoy that wasn’t there before.

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