We are proud to announce that EQ2U has been updated with a new “Recipes” tab which allows you view Known Recipes and Known Recipe Books for EQ2 Characters!
When viewing Recipes, the Item, Book, and Level columns can sorted or reverse sorted by clicking the column headers or spinner (). To keep web browsers from exploding when trying to display 6,500 recipes, we’ve broken this data out into Tiers (0, 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, up to 90-95). Recipes can also be quickly filtered from the Category menu.
When viewing Recipe Books, you have the option of viewing Recipe Books in Alphabetical order or, by clicking “Booklist (Lvl)” you can elect to view recipes in order of crafting level from lowest to highest. Recipe Books can also be quickly filtered from the Category menu.
A Word About Categories
I have, to the best of my ability, categorized nearly 2,300+ recipe books into human-friendly groupings. This is not data we get from SOE! I am absolutely open to feedback on my category choices, and I know there are still some recipe books which need categories. If you see any recipes that are miscategorized, or just have suggestions on how to improve this tagging, please let us know!
Q: How come some recipe books won’t load?
A: Some Recipe are “auto-consumed” and go straight into your recipe knowledge book without a physical book or scroll. This applies to most of the Tradeskill Apprentices, as well as a number of one-off quest-given recipe scrolls. Because there is no physical item, these recipes have not technically been “discovered”.
Q: How did you get this feature written so quickly?
A: I’ve actually been working on this for over a month, on the basis that we would not get recipe data. Using a combination of scraping scripts and comparing hundreds of recipes in-game, we were able to determine the recipe crc of nearly every recipe in EQ2 without access to the data. Now that data is available, it will be substantially easier to keep this feature updated!
Coming Soon: Recipe Search, Details, and Quests!
We are also working on Recipe Search which will allow you to find recipes by partial name, level, class, and category. Our support for Recipes is not complete until we can show a Recipe Details page which shows Primary, Secondary, and Fuel components, Crafting table, and the products of crafting.
Once Recipes is all done, we will be plunging headfirst into Quests, for which data became available just last week. I plan to add your Current Quest Journal (yes, it will show which quest step you are currently on), Completed Quests, and finally, a Quest Checklist.
Yeeeee Haaaaaw! I bow down before you great and wonderful database freaks. I am having a wonderful time playing with the tabs and categories. Thank you!!!!!!!
You gotta be kiddin’… You’re not… Wow.
(Niami blown away? She helped?)
Thank you! Awesome feature!
I would be interested in seeing Recipe books that I have not acquired yet. Is that a possibility to add or would that be too much work? Thanks!
I want to do this. Just gotta figure out the best way to do it.
I would love this as well. And I would say a comparison of your master list vs what is scribed. I notice in the recipe pages there is a field for which crafter it is for. Not a hard query to pull based upon all, main crafting(eg. Carpenter), and sub group (eg: Outfitter). Using an AND(Carpenter OR Outfitter OR All) should do it. Just my 2 cents.
0.0 another awesome Frostfell present! We musta been good this year! Thank you!
Wow, awesome feature! Thank you!