13 thoughts on “Emergency Fix for Broker Issues in 30-45 Minutes

  1. Yay for the fix. Boo that this needed to be done. This is like selling a car with the knowledge that the gears are all moving you in reverse (except reverse, which actually moves you forward…slowly), then telling everyone you’ll fix it for free in about a month…

  2. I posted on the forums how we as testers did everything in our power to stop this from going live in the first place, we twittered, we facebooked, we posted in forums, we /bug, we /feedback, we /petition, and nothing! Still was pushed to live. and when I made this known on the forums I was quicky shoved under the rug and my post removed so SOE could save face. Way to treat your customers. The best MMO on the market destroyed by lousy customer service & community relations. when I called BS on the removal of my post it also earned me a ban for a day. So their method of customer relations… Silence those that oppose!

  3. @avainna, I also noticed they sanitized the facebook post as well.

    Why do we have folks on test if they are not willing to listen to feedback. Just saying these folks were trying to save us all a lot of headache.

  4. Yup my thoughts exactly, I don’t have to be on the test server, I would rather be on live and advancing my toons there but I choose to go onto test to strive to make the game I love even better and this is my treatment and my thanks…. SOE can kiss my ***! Guild wars is looking awesome!

  5. I honestly wish I could meet the SOE-MOD-XX’s in person. I would charge them admission to come into my restaraunt, and then additionally for “features” like dessert and silverware. When something wasn’t to their taste (since I rushed through the souffle and ruined it) and they tried to voice their concerns, I would interrupt them, tell them that they’re not being “constructive,” and ultimately ban them from my establishment. And I would do this all anonymously. One can dream 🙂

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