EQ2Talk Ponders “We’re Players Too”, Touts EQ2U

Written by Feldon on . Posted in EQ2 Data & EQ2U

In the most recent episode of EQ2Talk, Dellmon and Aliscious address SOE’s notion that “We’re players too”. From SOEmote to Dungeon Maker to loot distribution and balance, the podcast asks the question — Why are so many things missed, overlooked, or left behind?

Also in the podcast, EQ2U gets its moment in the sun as Ali compares it to EQ2Players. I encourage listening to the whole podcast, but if you want to focus your attention on the bit about EQ2U, that’s from 41 minutes until 46 minutes with a brief followup from 52:30-53:30.

From EQ2Talk.com:

If the summer sun has you all hot and sweaty, cool off with a little Frostfell in July, as Dellmon and Aliscious talk about things they’d like to see come to EQ2. What past game changes have fulfilled your hopes? Which ones fell short of expectations? Download this episode to find out if your hosts share any of the things that made your list. Also, some listeners chime in with their thoughts, and play along with Are You Smarter than a Dellmon.

Click here to listen to Episode 48


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Comments (8)

  • Lempo of Everfrost


    It is hard to get 45 minutes to listen to abything, but I think I’ll listen in to those 5 to see what they have to say.

    I have not been back to EQ2Players since the first day it went live.
    It was absolute garbage then, and I’m sure it still is. It was created by a team that could not have had a member that had even observed someone playing EQ2 much less logged into the game themselves. The end result of EQ2 Players was nothing more than a slap in the face to Dan Kinney and his team who did an absolutely fantastic job of exposing the data in a variety of different formats, at least the work that they did was put to a good use by someone.

    Honestly unless it is only to ridicule and give something to laugh at there really is no comparison between the 2, I guess it might have a constructive use if you wanted to give examples of what sucks and what doesn’t.


  • Lempo of Everfrost


    Oh FFS
    Well just for laughs (I honestly didn’t expect to be nauseated by it) I went to EQ2players, logged in pulled me up and tried to do a comparison with another guild member. As soon as I clicked compare and clicked on that members name in a list the red bar showed up saying there was a communication error, the same one that happened the day that tripe went live.

    Communication with the server failed: Render queue error in SetupRender[Character:achievementlist.list.grid]: Failure reading parameter ‘source’ of component Character:achievementlist.list.grid: Failure reading parameter ‘source’ of component Character:achievementlist.list: org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException

    The page header still says BETA and the resulting HTML code is still riddled with bloat from comments and clearly has not been touched since being thrown out to see if it would stick.

    I left to go away for less than 10 minutes, returned to find my session expired and needing to log back in, lol. No thanks SOE there is already an option far superior to anything that your so called web team could design anyway.


  • ragefighter


    <3 EQ2 Talk!

    The only thing I can see that EQ2 Players has that this site doesn't is IIRC (it's been a while) stat's like Highest melee hit and how many rare's you harvested and crap like that. is that on your site too? if it is I must have missed it lol

    EQ2U is great though. like to see the link+who discovered an item and when it was found. everything JUST WORKS here its a pleasure to use.


  • ragefighter


    also I do believe that the devs/smedley are Gamers, but just probably not this game…

    I know I seen somewhere that Smed plays LoL (the inspiration behind the F2P model iirc) and EVE Online (I play eve a bit too pretty interesting game but still keep eq2 as my main game!).


  • CommonSense


    You know whats odd? I look on the EQ1 forums, and they have developers who are always in heated discussion with the players, yet EQ2’s developers? Zero, zip, nothing! Why is such lack of silence in one forum, where EQ1, a game that’s roughly 6 years older then EQ2 have developers that at least talk with their audience?


  • Gourdon


    I don’t think it is necessary that the Devs play EQ2 frequently. However, they should all be avid MMO players. It would be ideal if they all felt that all of the other games were so flawed that they could only play EQ2, but that probably isn’t very realistic.


  • Gaealiege


    I think it is a necessity that you play your own game. It pretty much goes back to the old adage, don’t trust a salesman that doesn’t use his own product.

    Most of the devs seem incompetent at their best times. There is a disconnect in EQ2 between what is fixed and how quickly it is fixed. PoWar thread is 9 months old pointing out problems. Post about a bugged pegasus mount had a response within 15 minutes. Sees like they have things prioritized.


  • CommonSense


    You know what’s funny? The Pokemon Company (branch of Nintendo) requires every employee to play through the games and catalog each and every single pokemon (i think thats over 500 at least). I mean damn that’s just crazy, but it shows that they want their employees to care and understand the franchise they’re working with.

    Now on the other side of the spectrum is SoE. Oblivious and probably just pick me ups from the local college.

    John Smedley: Ok here’s your desk, just make some generic fantasy clothing for this game called umm I think….wait you’re working for EQ1, Vanguard, or EQ2? Oh well we’ll figure that out later just fiddle around in this model making program to sell on Station Cash.


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