10 thoughts on “StationCash Marketplace 50% Rebate

  1. Interesting that they specify that recurring memberships are not included but don’t mention non-recurring time. Does this mean you can use SC from the last triple bonus sale to buy non-recurring game time and then get half of it back? Are expansions also included? A rebate is less of a bargain than the triple SC, but this could be a huge bonus for those of us who have balances on hand.

  2. So by them saying “As soon as you do, you’ll find 50% of the cost of the item (clearly displayed to you in game) immediately refunded to you…” mean you have to have the full amount 1st, then when you press buy you get 50% of it back?

  3. Ya, a guildy just got a 3 month sub, and got half his SC back. And yes Landin, it’s so you actually have to spend the monetary value of the SC, you just are getting more digital goods for your money, but this way they still get your money up front.

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