12 thoughts on “On Test: Monkeying Around With AAs

  1. With the way they are doing the beastlord, if it actually works, I would love to see a revamp of all classes to be more interactive. The whole synergy thing could very easily replace the weak heroic opportunity system. That would be cool. 🙂

  2. There are usually three classes per archetype too, but that’s going out the window. 😛 I suppose they might add a counterpart to beastlords at some point, but as far as I know there’s no talk of it so far.

  3. Anaogi said:

    In other news, given there are usually two subclasses per class, what’s the flip side of the Beastlord for Animalists…?

    There isn’t one. When a Beastlord tries to betray, their warders spawn all at once and eat them. 🙂

  4. Anaogi said:

    what’s the flip side of the Beastlord for Animalists…?

    Heh, heh – That got me thinking. The flip side of Animalist could be Machinist . . . a class that has clockwork pets! Steampunk Warders for the win!!!! Tinkering skill an essential part of the class, synergy based on your tinkering skill and your ability to use your tinkering abilities to “counter” any problems with your warder to keep it from blowing up! OR, letting it blow and doing massive AoE damage . . . of course you’ll ALSO take the hit, but what’s a good Machinist without a great KABOOM!!

    Okay, I SOOO want that class now!! Sony, are you listening? ( – ;

  5. “Does your Bard bear a secret admiration for the martial arts?”

    Yes, yes I do. I almost always group with my husband who plays Monk and I just love watching him move on my screen. My main is Troubador.

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