19 thoughts on “What Are You Looking Forward To?

  1. The first thing that I am looking forward to must be the Flying Mounts, although i know it will be another 5 days before we can fly with them.

    2nd for me would have to be the Public Quests, I liked how they worked with the 2-5 people I found to work with then I was on Bate, and I think they will be Great IF the lag doesn’t kill them.

    After that the others are nice and i want to explore them, but they come in after these 2.

  2. Looking forward to Dragon Age 2’s Demo tomorrow more than the expansion. Without getting into the negative, there is tons; Flying Mounts, Public Quests, and maybe my free erm Freebloods, free race respec would be nice too.

  3. Flying mounts are novel and I like the public quests, too, but I’m most looking forward to the mechanics changes that might make my ranger a bit more fun. I enjoyed it on Beta a lot.
    Also, the new challenge of tweaking the new gear and AA will give me non-braindead gameplay for a while. It’s a welcome shake up while it lasts (even though I expect optimal raid specs will be up on Flames quickly.
    Last, spending time with friends in KD will be great! In Beta there was an odd sense of Deja vu…but not. The content looks great and it has enough likeness to the original to make you say, “hey! I remember this…I think, oh yea!”

    Does anyone remember how group friend and group/raid spells and skills work in public quests if you’re not grouped? I think it changed over the duration of the Beta but I can’t recall.

  4. I guess I’m in the minority. I’m going to start off questing tomorrow. First Othmir solo quest. Then onto griffin quest public quest and coldain ring quest. Once I get the coldain ring quest to the group portions ill start grouping the instances.

    I’m most looking forward to new challenges. The new instances look fun, and I heard the raid zones were really good. As a SK I am apprehensive of the balance on my class.

    I plan to have 3 40 slot bags cleared and ready to stock pile the new loot as with the changes to multi attack and crit hit chance I wont be 100% sure what loot is worth keeping right off.

    All in all I look forward to DOV. I assume any large balance issues well be fixed within a few weeks.

  5. I love the flying of course, and am looking forward to the lore but I really want Kael Drakkel to work out. I miss the old days of even SoS where people just lined up at the entrances of the dungeon waiting for groups. I really hope it doesn’t go the way of “The Hole” with 4 instances that you hit occasionally and a large uncontested zone that nobody bothers with.

  6. I’m looking forward to…. what am I kidding. Its the same thing as before. with a few gimmicks. Not to get depressing on you all, but there really lacks anything “new,” or “innovative” to hold my attention after 6 years.

    With “Iā€™m looking forward to the massive class balance issues that were left unaddressed along with the worst itemization yet.”

    It basically makes lower end content annoying. Don’t bother with any gear other than master-crafted, or if your really bored… BG gear. Making any replay ability even less due to quest rewards that mean nothing once DOV is out.

    Now unless they been changing stats to all the gear in the game, and i doubt that. Though if they did, this would be the best expansion to fix a lot of things wrong with the game… for items that is.

    Not even going to touch on how last level 90 contents not worth visiting now.

    I guess I’m looking towards a fresh start….. it starts the 24th.

  7. Kael Drakkel will be a neat portion IF the risk vs. reward is fair.

    Flying mounts…yeah i’m looking forward to that seeing the zones from a different perspective will be interesting at least.

    Public quests are kinda meh imo, and tank hit rates…yeah.

    The big thing for me is how long this will hold my interest. There are ALOT of good games being released in the near future. Soe will have their work cut out for them in regards to retaining players I think.

  8. Looking forward to getting my 10 minutes of flying, my 20 minutes of dying looking around, and then logging out and waiting for thurs.

    By the way, question, anyone know if you can fly with the vampire bat mount from SC without having to do the griffin quest?

  9. 17:00 GMT time is 5:00PM eastern time, 2:00PM pacific time.

    So where the hell is this 9:00AM coming from?

    Please re-check your math.

    17:00 GMT is another way of writing 5:00pm GMT.
    EST is -5 hours GMT or Noon.
    PST is -8 hours GMT or 9:00am.

  10. But the thing I’m most looking forward to is adventuring with friends in Velious, even the solo content feels like its better and more fun with more people.

    Add to that the public quests, and the new dungeons and its definitely feeling like a very different experience to SF and any of the recent MMO expansions I’ve experienced lately.

    Its a strange feeling, but despite being in the beta I have no plan to follow on where to go, I guess I’ll just head in that direction and see where it takes me šŸ™‚

  11. I am very much looking forward to grouping again (it’s been a while since I was in a “good” group with old friends). I am also looking forward to hitting the Tower of Frozen Shadow and Kael Drakkel. I have a LOT of memories of ToFS, and Veks Labs.

    I know a lot of people are excited about Rifts, and I hope that it is everything that they hope it will be. New games are always exciting but the let down when they do not meet expectations can be total. I rather expect that after two weeks a lot of these players with be finding a little “buyers remorse” and start thinking that Rifts is lame and that Eq2 had so much more content.

    I do hope that when they come back they let us know … but I notice that most players who make a LOT of noise about leaving for the “next best thing” silently skulk back, and begin bi$%#-ing about how lame EQ2 is all over again <> It’s always entertaining to see them back … though the bi$%#-ing does get old.

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