1 thought on “Destiny of Velious Webcast #1 Video Online & Call for Questions

  1. This was a very telling webcast for me, I was paying particular attention to their body language. The gentlemen on the right saleem (spelling) was not very comfortable when talking about the new expansion and how it felt about it, you watch his head when he is trying to explain that he is happy with how the expansion is turing out, his head is shaking side to side in a no motion. In essence he is saying one thing and his body is say another. In contrast when he is later talking about the actual mechanics of velious you see he is more relaxed and excited, and his body language mirrors what he is saying. The another gentlemen (dave) seems to have a bit more of an agenda, almost like a salesman. As I watched he almost seemed to be counted on his fingers to ensure certian points are made, also towards the end of the segment, his eye contact is all over the place, and when he says something he places his hand on his chin and the side of his face, which is a non verbal for someone who is saying something that is not true. So what does this all mean? With them saying that Velious might come out in 2 parts and their body language I am not very hopefull for great things, but only time will tell.

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