15 thoughts on “Portable Globe of Swift Travel

  1. surprisingly cheep, 30 seconds is a mighty small window though. 60 would have been better. I see people time out for longer then 30 seconds. not to different from the various lon items though.

  2. This isn’t a big deal, I can’t imagine too many people wanting to pay for such a limited use item. It doesn’t change any power dynamics of toons in-game, either. Your “file this under…” comment smacks of paranoia.

  3. I like the idea and it will be useful and I will probably buy one for a couple of toons. But what worries me is that it is cheap, useable, and not unlimited. If they do this with other small items that are cheap and useable that is where it will be a problem. Buying one of these 2.50 doesn’t sound like much but if you start getting other items that are 2.50 but makes it easier to get to do something that will start to add up.

  4. Dropdoff, Where do you think this is headed? They add one or two things that isn’t “a big deal” to get people acclimated to it. Then they start adding more and more of the things that define classes and other things that are worked for in the game. By the time its all said and done you’ll be able to buy every thing and the game ceases to be fun anymore.

  5. That is the point, THAT is what worries me.

    They were bringing stuff out that was expensive that no one was really buying. Now they are starting with small stuff that is cheap and useful, and are trying Pavlov us. They are getting us used to buying small stuff and then they will start increasing the items and price slowly so eventually. Everytime they release something new that might be a little useful, we will hear the bell and open our wallets.

  6. “By the time its all said and done you’ll be able to buy every thing and the game ceases to be fun anymore”

    Well, as expected from them and their executives 🙁
    (and above quote reminds me of the many Asian mmos.)

  7. I can’t say I’m bothered about this one, it matches the description of convenience perfectly, it has limited charges (unlimited would be game breaking in the same way as a name change potion with unlimited charges would be), and it does not duplicate a class ability already in the game.

    So if suckers who don’t have the patience want to pay a few dollars to port around then let them, its not adding any gameplay to the game though.

    And that’s my biggest problem with it, the current dev team are devoting way too much time to trying to add in ever more crazy money making schemes while real work to fix the broken targetting system, improve and add more depth to the 30+ button gameplay and reverse the move towards AOE heavy content appears to be ignored.

    Maybe I’m wrong and all of this is to be fixed in the next expansion release, I do hope so as I think that’s where they could make the biggest profits refreshing and improving the game to attract more subs. The game is good, but it could be just sooo much better…

  8. We keep saying we dont want Marketplace on the subsribtion games, yet they keep pushing this stuff on us.. keep it on the Live version where ppl want it.
    we are all going to end up with the same rules they have on Live soon enough if they keep pushing this.
    buy rare for armor, no big deal, buy faster research of masters, hey lets sell masters on the station cash.

    being able to port anywhere from anywhere does affect gameplay, and we dont want it on the normal servers kthnxbye

  9. Only a fool waits for his house to burn down before putting in extinguishers and alarms. Communities are tankers and react with glacial swiftness, especially when we are talking about “just a game”. Start your movement toward change now and it might gain momentum in a few months.

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