5 thoughts on “GU52 Screen Shots

  1. I read Velious, but it seems almost TOO obvious and I’m thinking that it may just be a decoy. Fens never seemed like it would be cold enough to support ice masses like that, so it seems a little odd.

  2. I’m not sure I can handle a entire expansion with a snowy landscape. I despise everfrost.

    BUT, I’m a lot less concerned about where the expansion takes place and more concerned with how the leveling content is going to be handled.
    I am really tired of the level 1-80 soloquest grind that has, more or less, been forced on us due to how AAs are assigned.
    The last two characters that I have leveled up have been in zero groups until level cap. Everyone leveling alts is very cognizant of the fact that you need every little bit of quest AA xp that you can get.

    Let’s hope that in a few months it won’t be a 1-90 soloquest grind.

  3. Agreed, Diknak. Fens is a humid and sticky marsh/swamp land for the most part and aside from that it seems like the field of bone is under the effects of either the tower of bone or the bones of Jaled Dar.

  4. Looking at those screen shots screams Velious to me. A shame too, I was curious to see what happened to Odus. But as Gnova stated, those shots are sheer awesome. The armor those guys are wearing = awesome sauce. I’m glad to see the art designers really cranking new stuff out.

    Really want to see that Kurn’s Tower Epic X2 zone as well, though seeing as how it’s harder than Ward of Elements I am most likely not going to see it for a long while.

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