Guk, Unrest, and Everfrost Server Merge FAQ

Written by Feldon on . Posted in Game Updates & Maintenance


Please read our FAQ below for answers to the most common questions you might have once the new combined Halls of Fate server is online (scheduled for 7:00am PDT). This new server combines all the characters and guilds from Guk, Unrest, and Everfrost. The EQ2 dev team have been logged into the new Halls of Fate server, monitoring the situation, and answering questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Help I’ve lost my hotbars!
A: Type /load_uisettings and choose your character from your previous server.

Q: My EQ2 Launchpad still shows characters from Guk, Unrest, or Everfrost. How do I fix this?
A: You will need to go to Character Select screen and then close EQ2 for your Launchpad to be updated. Alternately you can delete your logincache-en directory from your EQ2 folder.

Q: Why doesn’t Call to Guild Hall work?
A: Before anyone can Call to Guild Hall, at least one member of the guild will have to visit the Guild Hall Attuner item in their guild hall to trigger an update to everyone’s Call to Guild Hall ability. It may necessary for every person to travel to the guild hall first and re-attune your CtGH.

Q: What’s with this Login Queue where I have to wait up to 2 hours to login?
A: This is a temporary queue to maintain server stability as thousands of characters are logging in for the first time since the merge. Subscribers don’t experience this queue, only Free-to-Play folks. This queue will go away soon.

Q: My Guild was renamed to something else or with X’s and Z’s appended to it. How do I change it?
A: If your guild is eligible for a name change, have your guild leader type /guild rename <name> omitting the < and > marks.

Q: My Character was renamed to something else or with X’s and Z’s appended to it. How do I change it?
A: Type /rename <name> omitting the < and > marks.

Q: What is the server name in-game for the purpose of sending tells/mail?
A: In-game, the server is Halls_of_Fate, so /tell Halls_of_Fate.charname is how you send a message.


Note that I am out of town this week so I will not be able to provide blow-by-blow updates on this update.

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Comments (15)

  • Malade


    There were such better options than Halls_Of_Fate, and I hate typing _s


    • Cyliena




      • Rebelde


        Maj’dul is the worst


        • Einelinea


          agreed — it is the worst


  • Carnifex


    Pretty funny that they might try bringing Halls of Fate up during a game-wide maintenance =p


  • Cyliena


    The server is up and appears to be functioning as normal.


  • Carnifex


    Yup I got in don’t see any issues with any of my toons, so far. ATM I’d have to say, well done.


  • Striinger


    /tell hof.striinger A shorter server name is nicer for cross server, but less likely to be used with fewer servers.
    All of my toons are on one server now.


  • lurk


    Ugh, trying to log on my free-to-play accounts to see how my names did with the merge. Expected wait time 17 hours! Ridiculous.


    • somePerson


      its a fake queue, it just constantly counts up, it is basically telling f2p to go away we only want players that pay for subscriptions now. And this for a game that is in its decline, may actually be the final nail in the coffin for it


      • lurk


        oh, ok. that explains a lot. I’ll just go back to playing other games and give up on eq2 then.


  • Malade


    Now FtP accounts get a log in queue and the timer just keeps going up. Today it started at 4.30 and 2 hours later its 6.50.

    That’s bull.


  • Dulcenia


    Holly was on Halls of Fate and Maj’Dul yesterday, and told players on both servers that there’s a fix for memory issues in Tuesday’s patch that should remove the queue.


  • Judith Weller


    You could have had the courtesy to send me an E-MAIL. I don’t want to be on Halls of Fate – the name is too damn long. What is the abbreviation for
    Halls of Fate. Can I transfer to another server. I have played this game from the beginning and I don;t like the way Daybreak is treating player. There was NO NEED for a server merge. I expect to find my characters with their names with no X after them

    Dr. Judith Weller


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