Spawn Issues in Older Zones

Written by Feldon on . Posted in Grouping

From Windslasher:

I just got done checking this out and reproduced the bug. It’s not server lag or bad pathing, and doesn’t have anything to do with flying. A small number of spawns that were set up in a certain way have simply stopped working. The worst case of this is the entry room for Obelisk of Ahkzul, but there are other affected creatures as well.

Thanks for reporting this! It will be fixed ASAP.

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Comments (4)

  • Lempo


    This was reported on Jan 20 something when the second wave of beta players were added. I know this because I was the one that reported it, I wanted to see if I could beat my time with the new AA’s. DO NOT be fooled they had at least 1 month to address this if not more.


  • Karith


    I’d prioritize the expac bugs and details too…I really don’t blame them.


  • Lempo


    It isn’t like they did a great job fixing the bugs that were reported in beta either, there were many that I reported that were not fixed, there were many that others reported that were not fixed. It is pretty insulting to donate time and effort to beta testing, take the time to write out a detailed report and explanation of what is going on only to have one of the devs make some statement that says they will fix it ASAP… I even went to the length of specifying to them that particular mobs appeared to be missing, it wasn’t like a report from the many droolers that say things like “hey it is broken yo, plx fix it kk thx bye”.
    Are you on Everfrost? Care to wager 1K plat that this doesn’t get fixed with todays patches?


  • Gutsherren@Nagafen


    Prioritizing xpac bugs is certainly understandable. However, some of the spawn issues effectively broke entire zones (such as akhzul), so this is kind of a special case imho. And yes, it has been reported in beta that the zones could not be completed. Still, let’s just wait and see how long the fix takes…


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